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Far right: full genocide!

Far left: no genocide!

Centrists: Such extremism! You’re both just as bad as each other… Everyone knows what the world needs is a moderate, healthy amount of genocide.

#IsraeliAmericanGenocideOfThePalestinianPeople #Israel #America #USA #US #genocide #ethnicCleansing #apartheid #settlerColonialism #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank

in reply to Aral Balkan

The conflict begins on who gets to choose those who will be the victims of genocide, wait long enough and it's just going to be you all alone in the world (if they don't get you first).
in reply to Aral Balkan

Appreciate your post.

The sad truth is that IRL, it’s closer to:

Centrists: full genocide!

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

attempting to interfere with genocide will result in unforseable results, at best
in reply to Daniel Latz

@daniellatz Yeah, man, totally do not interfere with it. And by that, I mean don’t send tens of billions of dollars of arms to enable it. kthxbai
in reply to Aral Balkan

Centrists: Every innocent person killed is a failure of both the far left and the far right. The far right fails by thinking might makes right. The far left fails by pretending #religiofascism is not at the root of this murder.
in reply to Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@lednaBM I see. Those centrists sure do sound perfect. Thank fuck no one’s died from the tens of billions of dollars of arms the centrists are sending Israel. *whew!*
in reply to Aral Balkan

Left? The USA only has extreme right and "moderate" right.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Don't forget the media equating the far-left and the far-right with both-sidesism while not pointing out that centrists are really just slightly left of fascism.
in reply to Aral Balkan

108 hostages still. Zero proposals on the table to return them from Hamas.
in reply to mwguy

@mwguy 1. Netanyahu propped up Hamas.

2. Netanyahu has systematically foiled the talks to get the hostages back because he wants to continue his genocide.

3. Hamas is not the Palestinian people. (Hamas can get fucked.) By conflating the two you are engaging in genocide apologism.

4. Israel has thousands of Palestinian hostages (only we call them “detainees” )… (1/2)

in reply to Aral Balkan

5. Israel and Jewish settlers have murdered over 600 Palestinians in the West Bank since Oct 7:

6. Israel has murdered over 40,000 Palestinians since Oct 7.

Now go away. (2/2)

in reply to Aral Balkan

erm.. both Lenin and Stalin genocided millions of their own people.

I'm a liberal lefty, by the way