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Given what is currently at stake in this country, would you vote for a woman of color for President?
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#poll #Polls #PollOfTheDay
#Election2024 #Election

Please Boost ♻️ to get the largest sample size for this important poll on #Mastodon.

  • 100% YES (97%, 489 votes)
  • Reluctantly (0%, 4 votes)
  • I would stay home (0%, 4 votes)
  • Hell to the NO (0%, 4 votes)
501 voters. Poll end: 4 days ago

in reply to OhSnap!Dragon

Interesting poll. As a non-united states person, it’s nice to be able to vote for the influence possibility, though it seems little was required, thankfully.

Really sad that one has to word it in that peculiar fashion, though.