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Items tagged with: Polls

Will you be watching the Olympics at all over the course of the next few weeks?

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the #Fediverse

#Poll #Polls #POTD #Question #QOTD #Olympics #Sports #Tech #AllThingsTech

  • Yes, I'll watch the Olympics (20%, 9 votes)
  • No, I won't watch the Olympics (55%, 24 votes)
  • Not sure if I'll watch any of the Olympics (23%, 10 votes)
43 voters. Poll end: 54 minutes ago

Alright, poll time. Is it true no one likes their own voice? How do you feel about yours? Please boost! #Poll #Polls

  • I like it a lot! (17%, 8 votes)
  • It's alright, I guess. (26%, 12 votes)
  • I don't think 1 way or another about it. (4%, 2 votes)
  • No way, yuck! (52%, 24 votes)
46 voters. Poll end: in 5 days


#polls #computers #homelab

  • dee-mon (0 votes)
  • day-mon (0 votes)
  • die-mon (0 votes)
  • Humans cannot grasp the true name. (0 votes)
Poll end: in 3 days

Given what is currently at stake in this country, would you vote for a woman of color for President?
✅ ✔️ ☑️
#poll #Polls #PollOfTheDay
#Election2024 #Election

Please Boost ♻️ to get the largest sample size for this important poll on #Mastodon.

  • 100% YES (97%, 489 votes)
  • Reluctantly (0%, 4 votes)
  • I would stay home (0%, 4 votes)
  • Hell to the NO (0%, 4 votes)
501 voters. Poll end: 4 days ago