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Here are some #Mastodon or #Fediverse terms I thought of:

Super Instance: A fedi instance that has amassed a very high number of users (mastodon and the official app really wants you to join their flagship super instance)

Mega Instance: A fedi instance where the size is so large it has more users than mastodon does in all of it's instances combined (Thanks to bridgyfed, bluesky is pretty much a fediverse mega instance)

Inner fediverse: the weirder part of fedi, mostly non-mastodon instances but sometimes forks like glitch or hometown. (I recently moved to the inner fediverse after getting bored of mastodon)

will leave it at three for now.

in reply to The1goit

you're making them sound like a good thing...

Please be clear, because there's nothing good about .social having most Fedi users and with that, most power to change Fedi fundamentally as they wish. Which they are doing...🤦‍♂️