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#Netanyahu in #Florida on Fri for a meeting w/ #Trump
The pair worked closely when Trump was president, but he was incensed when Netanyahu called to congratulate Joe #Biden on his 2020 presidential election victory &, since then, has been openly critical of Netanyahu’s management of the #war in #Gaza.

#Israel #ForeignPolicy #diplomacy #geopolitics #Zionism #extremism #evangelism #FarRight #extremism #PoliticalViolence #Harris2024

in reply to Nonilex

“Now I’m honored, come on in,” #Trump said to #Netanyahu upon the PM’s arrival at Mar-a-Lago, acc/to video that a Trump aide posted. They posed for photos before going inside.

On Thurs the PM addressed a joint meeting of #Congress & met w/President #Biden & MVP #KamalaHarris. The day was thick w/tension, including raucous #protests of his congressional address.

#Israel #Gaza #ForeignPolicy #diplomacy #geopolitics #Zionism #evangelism #FarRight #extremism #PoliticalViolence #Harris2024

in reply to Nonilex

In her meeting w/ #Netanyahu, #KamalaHarris implored him to accept a #CeaseFire deal that would pause the fighting in #Gaza & release #hostages. #US leaders say they are closer than ever to an agreement but finalizing it has remained elusive.

“Let’s get the deal done so we can get a cease-fire to end the #war,” #Harris told reporters after the WH meeting. She also called for the hostages being held by #Hamas to be released & for “much-needed #relief to the #Palestinian people.”
