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Items tagged with: Debate2024

Content warning: I'm not voting for Joe Biden.

“Don’t day trade politics. It’s a sucker’s game. A guy from Queens out on bail bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, said in public he didn’t have sex with a porn star, defended tax cuts for billionaires, defended Jan. 6th. and called America the worst country in the world. That guy isn’t going to win this race.”
- Stuart Stevens

Trump on the effects of inflation: "They can't live. They're not living any more."


#USpol #USpolitics #Debate2024 #Debate

In this morning’s headlines, Trump “stretched the truth,””responded with falsehoods,” and made “false claims.”

I’m asking this seriously: is there a liable law that prevents a newspaper from saying a public figure lied?

#uspolitics #biden #trump #debate2024

Well, that was interesting.

Tonight's presidential debate had a clear loser, but no clear winner.

Trump missed an opportunity to knock it out of the park – and peppered his remarks with a steady stream of lies, half-truths and misinformation. – but he got through it.

And did Biden most likely cause a disaster for the Democratic Party?

Analysis from two scholars of communication and politics:

#uspolitics #2024Election #election #debate2024

For everyone who says, "I'd vote for a potted plant over Trump," do that. Live up to that. Ask other people to do that. Because that will be better than allowing Trump in.

Trump is seriously the most evil person that has ever been in the Oval Office, and if reelected, would be the most evil person WITH A GRUDGE in the Oval Office. No lack of enthusiasm, no "lesser of two evils" talk, VOTE BLUE. #PresidentialDebate #debate2024 #Debate #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2024

that #debate2024 was hard to watch. trump being hopped on amphetamines and lying the entire time isn't a win, imo.

We were trying to throw these very old bedsheets away, but Boxcat rival decided they made a good bed.

Browsing the catsOfMastodon hashtag is a better use of your time than reading posts about some useless debate.

Cats are better.

#cats #catsOfMastodon #debate2024

Sooooo... Did you follow my advice and browse #catsOfMastodon or did you pay attention to that debate?


  • Browsed CatsOfMastodon and my heart is full of joy (9%, 1 vote)
  • I should have browsed CatsOfMastodon. I haz a sad. (90%, 10 votes)
11 voters. Poll end: 4 days ago

Donald Trump is a scourge and a blight on planet Earth. We won’t be safe until he’s gone.

#Debate2024 #NeverAgainTrump #FuckTrump