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Items tagged with: Hope2024

Goodbye #hope2024 - had an amazing time, passed my ham exam, had a lot of very good community espresso at table, will miss y’all!

With a long weekend of HOPE still ringing in my head, I have SO many wonderful memories of amazing people we met at the Lockpick Village.
This is Howard WB2HWW, a ham radio operator who runs a repeater in Queens NY. He wanted to learn how to pick locks and was absolutely delighted when he opened a few Master padlocks. Like my dad, Howard is blind.
#hope2024 #hopeconf

While I am parked a couple hours away from home, recharging EV6n, I wanted to share a last image from #HOPE2024 that reminded me of H2k.

Does this give anyone else fond memories? 😁

Had a great time at #Hope. It's just so cool that it's a hometown event and @hopeconf puts on a good show.

#hope2024 #hopexv

Getting all the kits ready for my Build Your Own satellite ground station workshop at @hopeconf . A great way to join the @tinygs network and community #hope2024

Bonus picture of a dark mode Sensor Watch by @joeycastillo in the wild, as shown to me by someone who came up to the @crowdsupply table at #HOPE2024. So cool to see what people are doing with this.

I said it today and I’ll say it again. It’s much more beautiful in person. This is a 2600 relic. ❤️#HOPEXV #HOPE2024

--yawn and stretch--

Last day of #HOPE2024!

Last day in New York, last day sleeping on the dorm bed, and a 10 hour drive back to Pittsburgh after about twelve hours of con.

Let's boot up!

Today is day three of our HOPE Lockpick Village.
We're having a great time talking with so many interesting, fun people and sharing the joy of lockpicking. We want to thank everyone who worked so hard to put on the HOPE XV this year and everyone who came by to learn, pick and sharw their time with us. We'll be here till 5PM, so please drop by if you're around.
#hope2024 #hopexv

Finally! My #Hope2024 lockpick village success is realized :ablobcatbouncefast: #hopexv

The abstract for @pluralistic's #HOPEXV talk on #enshittification is at

When it gets uploaded it'll be at and https::/


It finally happened!! After 2.4 years, the coin cell battery in @joeycastillo's Sensor Watch ran out while we were having dinner at #HOPE2024. What a trooper.

In case you haven't come across it, Sensor Watch is a super cool Casio watch hack with impressively low power consumption and a bunch of useful and quirky functionality.

All set up for day 2 of HOPE. If you're here, join us in the Lockpick Village.

The bag.builds guy (Davide) makes some amazing modifications and attachments for his system.

On the rear - not seen:
(2) RasPi 5
#glinet 1800 WiFi router
Then here we have;
@hak5gear WiFi PineApple
#CatSniffer (BTLE, other)
#CC2540 BTLE sniffer
(Into RasPi5-01)
2 #Alfa AXML WiFi adapters
2 available USB (for expansion)
(Into RasPi5-02)
(3) #anker Battery Packs
(Much cheaper on Amazon used)

Not pictured is the #GDPWin3 running #KismetWireless @kismetwireless
(attached to 5Ghz WiFi on the WiFi router)

All the RasPi and the antSDR are feeds to the KismetWireless server running on the portable hand held.

#HOPE #HackersOnPlanetEarth #HOPE2024
#WiFi #BlueToothLE #BTLE

Ed Bear brought unspeakable passion. When he hands you an iTrip circa 2005 (and he will!), believe it will change your life! :ablobcatattention: #hope2024 #hopexv #hope_xv

great talk by @danacea_vo & @geminiimatt at #HOPEXV - #Hacktivism for Organizers: Social Change From the Keyboards


it comes with homework & a reading list! 🤜💥🤛‬


look for it in this year's playlist when it gets uploaded to

RIGHT NOW AT @hopeconf!

@2600 #IRC & #Facebook Group 9pm - ??? in St Johns Marillac Terrace - Free water, soda, food!

Meet other members, friends, get something to eat and drink. Everyone is welcome.

#HOPEXV #HOPE2024 @anarchist_hacker_village

Hey, if you want a sample of @Defcon_Music #gothcon at @hopeconf TONIGHT there's a FREE #industrial #goth party 10pm to 4am at Talon Bar (StJohns J Train to Broadway Junction then L to Myrtle Wyckoff) at 220 Wyckoff Ave in Brooklyn, midnight performance by Bewbletea!


On my way to NYC for my first #HOPE conference. Not sure what to expect but I'm bringing my emergency soldering kit, a suitcase full of open hardware, some stickers, and a giant hug that I've been saving up for @maltman23 since CCC Camp.

Who else is going?


Yo! I'm on my way to @hopeconf - my #demoscene talk is Saturday night, 11pm, in Marillac Auditorium:

Also, a solid set of talks from our community here at - Looking forward to meeting townies! I think all our handles are on the talks page.

I won't have much access to social media at #HOPE2024 so please come to the talk and find my table (listen for the #chiptune stuff playing!)

If you’re either attending or watching today’s Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) conference, you won’t want to miss my colleague @suhacker’s talk on Incubated ML Exploits at 4 p.m. Eastern 😉

#hope2024 #hacking #ai

Today I arrived in Queens for HOPE, the famous hacker convention.

#hope2024 #hope #hacking

Infobeamer made it across the pond! They're using pretalx and the angel system aswell. Who did export the whole CCC stack? #hope2024

PSA for #HOPE #HOPE2024

Club mates have arrived! They are cold, caffeinated, delicious and available at the 2600 desk 🤘🏻

I've brought a big bag of open hardware launched on @crowdsupply with me to #HOPE2024, including the omakase version of Precursor by @bunnie and @Xobs, the Sensor Watch and a Open Book prototype by @joeycastillo, and the upcoming Anwaar by @chipperdoodles.

Come find me near the registration desk!

Now with very unique slides, we have @TheDarkHorse giving a talk "Strength in Unity: Sharing Is Caring" at @hopeconf #hope2024

We are a week away from Hackers on Planet Earth. Drop by our Lockpick Village and pick some locks and challenge boxes with us! We may even have a few pairs of lockpick earrings available.