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Items tagged with: SMTP

TBH, I think that #deltaChat, alongside @monocles / #monoclesChat is one of the few real #E2EE #Chat & #Messaging solutions (which allow for full #SelfCustody of keys as well as being based on #OpenStandards for a #MultiVendor & #MultiProvider ecosystem) and even out-of-band verification and key exchange...

  • The main difference is that deltaChat implements #PGP/MIME on #IMAP+#SMTP, which may be easier to setup in some cases and also offer an easy pipeline to archival requirements in #business setups whilst #monocles chat uses #XMPP+#OMEMO first and supports PGP/MIME as a secondary option, making it a good option in individual setups...

Needless to say both support using @torproject / #Tor via #Orbot and thus connecting to an #OnionService or just anonymously connecting to the server one personally chooses...

  • So unless a provider explicitly bans Tor proactively, they'll work just fine.

The advantage of XMPP is that it also allows for calls, whereas I've to see how one can do Group Chats on deltaChat at all...