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Items tagged with: UXdesign

My article "No, AI user research is not “better than nothing” — it’s much worse" is now available in Japanese!

#ux #UXDesign #UserResearch #productManagement

The attitude of some stakeholders towards research being a "waste of time" is actually an example of correlation being mistaken for causation.

If some of what would have been built is waste, and we use research to find out it's wrong, we prevent waste and save money. Right?

But in an outputs-driven organization, that's not how stakeholders think.


#UserResearch #UX #UXDesign #ProductManagement

#UXDesign practice has optimized itself towards software for users and away from process for internal customers. Low fidelity design became discounted, because it is a tool for problem definition rather than solution delivery.

Unfortunately, losing this tool has undermined design's ability to influence strategy. Designers who still recognize that their cross-functional colleagues & stakeholders are also their customers can use low fidelity design to turn that around.