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Items tagged with: charity

Probably the last place I need to tell since you all know probably.

Summer Games Done Quick just went live on their twitch.

Raising money for one of the most important organizations of our time, Doctors Without Borders.

Please take the time out of your week, catch a run, or donate a buck or two.

#videogames #sgdq2024 #charity #DoctorsWithoutBorders #tech #streaming

i know it's cheeky, but could i request boosts for this stagnating fundraiser for the cruelty-free kitchen in north gaza? every day, four friends who look after the starving cats & dogs in their area also cook for the (mainly) children who live around them. they have to buy food off the black market &, as you can imagine, that's insanely expensive.
please, please help. thank you. :) #vegan #charity #gaza #freePalestine #ceasefireNow #food