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Items tagged with: doubleexposure

The image of the day is *Delicate*, an in-camera double exposure on film.

This image is part of my Photosynthesis exhibition opening tomorrow in Nantes, at La Lame Vernie Coffee in Trentemoult. It was shot during COVID semi-lockdown in Hong Kong, when both myself and Nelly (the model) had recently been through our stints of quarantine. That rough common experience brought us together creatively for a shoot I will always remember.

If you are in the Nantes / Pays de Loire area, I'd be very grateful for any amplification of the exhibition details.

#believeinfilm #photography #blackandwhite #doubleexposure #film #experimental #portrait

Image of the day is *Spiky*, an in-camera double exposure on film.
Near me there are no cacti large enough that I can use them for textures. On a business trip to Berlin in March, I found a couple of hours to check the Botanical Garden and the desert glasshouse there had these amazing cacti. This is one of the images that came out of it.

#believeinfilm #photography #blackandwhite #doubleexposure #film #experimental #portrait

Image of the day is *Silicate skin*, an in-camera double exposure on film.
I had tried last year to photograph rock patterns in similar double exposures, but the textures were just too faint. I tried again with Theia a few weeks back, exposing the texture more prominently, and the body less. I probably need to rebalance a tiny bit more towards the portrait, but I am quite pleased with the outcome.

#believeinfilm #photography #blackandwhite #doubleexposure #film #experimental #portrait

Yesterday's image of the day was *Spread Silhouette*, an in-camera double exposure on film.
When it comes down to it, I guess what I'm doing here is relying on the brain's ability to reconstruct an image from fragments. I honestly didn't think it would work with this branch of leaves spread so far apart, but I think it does.

#believeinfilm #photography #blackandwhite #doubleexposure #film #experimental #portrait

Image of the day is *Leafy Slumber*, an in-camera double exposure on film.
One of the tricks of this leaf sub-project is to have the model adopt a pose that somehow fits into the shape of the leaf. While this one was shot standing, it looks like Louka is lying and sleeping, which I think fits the partial emergence of her figure perfectly. What do you think?

#believeinfilm #photography #blackandwhite #doubleexposure #film #experimental #portrait

Image of the day is *Hidden Hand*, an in-camera double exposure on film.
My default process for Photosynthesis is to not know exactly what the texture image looks like. I like the synchronicity of parts of the texture falling on parts of the figure without it being planned. With this leaf approach though, that's simply not possible. I have to take a digital image of the leaf before hand so that the model and I know (roughly) where the leaf lay and how a pose might "fit". I wasn't too confident in this one working, but when the hand showed up in the right hand leaf I knew I had it.

#believeinfilm #photography #blackandwhite #doubleexposure #film #experimental #portrait

Image of the day is *Peeking*, an in-camera double exposure on film.
Before this session, I wasn't sure that it was possible to get a convincing double exposure out of multiple leaves. They create a fragmented puzzle in which to "insert" the image, which makes the quasi blind shooting of the second exposure really tricky. Now that I see it works, I'm more inclined to try it again (previous attempts had not been very convincing).

#believeinfilm #photography #blackandwhite #doubleexposure #film #experimental #portrait