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Items tagged with: ActuallyAutistic

Give yourself some compassion around the meltdowns that you have had and how you struggle. You are not "bad" when this happens, it is not a choice and you’re not insufficiently trying. It is a signal that you are struggling and in distress.

#AutisticMeltdown #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #Autism #Autistic

I’m hoping this gets to the right folks who can point me to an #AuDHD #neurodivergent and #actuallyautistic friendly #instance on #mastodon ? One that is welcoming and focused if possible on the adult experience as opposed to a parenting group focused on kids.🙏

I can deal with the trolls and people who take me not having a diagnosis like I personally offended them and committed an injustice. But that’s just nonsense.

Trolls are nothing but an annoying nuisance.

Even without a diagnosis, YOU are valid and don’t let anyone make you feel lesser than because of it. ❤️
