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Items tagged with: project2025

The difference between Project 2025 and Trump’s usual authoritarian ravings is that Project 2025 isn’t an empty threat, it’s a concrete plan that will roll back your rights and put the government in your life. We’ve been warned.
#NeverAgainTrump #VoteBlue #TrumpMustLose2024 #NoRepublicansEverAgain #Project2025 #LincolnProject #GOP

The difference between #Project2025 and #Trump’s usual #authoritarian ravings is that Project 2025 isn’t an empty threat, it’s a concrete plan that will roll back your rights and put the government in your life.


#ScorchedEarth #dictator #lessfree #lessfair #lessAmerican #TotalControl #retributio n #uspoli #uspolitics #govote #democracy

#Maddow nails it, as usual.

From the Republican perspective, this election is not actually about policy or governance. It's about the GOP's project to change the American form of government from democracy to autocracy.

#BidenHarris2024 #democrats #Project2025 #democracy #autocracy

@uspolitics @geopolitics @politicalscience
