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Items tagged with: Archive

Internet Archive is fantastic!

Read about them and more in this BBC article. And I suggest you to donate some money to the archive.

BBC article:

Internet Archive: @internetarchive

#archive #history #InternetArchive #history #library

Not everything is intended or deserves to be preserved. Archiving is difficult with decisions on what's a public document, what's in the public interest.

The Wayback Machine catalogues all sorts of URLs including social media posts on the one hand and leaves off important sites on the other.

I support the Internet Archive but there are issues.

We're Losing Our Digital History. Can the Internet Archive Save It?

#Archive #Internet #Information #Web @histodons

Of the thousands and thousands of archived hard disk drives from the 1990s that clients ask the company to work on, around one-fifth are unreadable.


#news #technology #backup #Problem #hd #Harddisk #data #storage #archive #computer