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Items tagged with: juststopoil

If you can receive 5 years in prison for trying to enlighten people about science, what else may happen to you if you protest about other matters?


You may find Just Stop Oil annoying. You may dislike their tactics. But they do not belong in prison

They apparently do in England. Meanwhile their rivers are polluted, the sea around he. country is filthy (and all of their neighbours get the benefits!) At the same time, polluters are allowed to take their dividends and slip off to parts tax avoidable.

English Justice at its best.

#JustStopOil #UkPolitics #Corruption #Suppression

So a #UK judge has sentenced five peaceful #climate protestors to 4-5 years in #prison each for "intentionally causing a public nuisance", which is of course literally the entire idea of #protesting.

If they can do this to them, they will do this to you as well next time you protest to defend your rights or make your opinion heard in public.

Also, the protestors were spied on and betrayed by a Sun "journalist".
#democracy #climatecrisis #juststopoil

#ClimateDiary #JustStopOil
Not very thought through and probably wrong, but: today iam seeing everywhere mediocrity in power being incredibly cruel. The judge giving these terrible sentences; my daughter taken out of lessons and spending the entire last full day of school in isolation for a minor uniform infringement; Goldsmiths SMT firing 97 of us to transform itself into a law, management and art college (what a combo). I don’t know, somehow it all feels of a piece. Nasty, cruel mediocrity.

#ClimateDiary This is just terrible. 4-5 years prison each for five acitvists for a Zoom call - planning action to stop fossil fuels destroying everything! #JustStopOil

So this guy fucks up, thousands die and he gets away with nothing more than being fired and some harsh language, yet some people plot to stop traffic in protest of inaction on Climate Change and they get five years.

Could this be any more blatant?

#UKPOL #Ukpolitics #MattHancock #COVID #JustStopOil

"A journalist from the Sun newspaper, who had joined the call pretending to be interested in the protest, managed to record some of it and passed the recordings on to the police."

#NeverBuyTheSun #ClimateEmergency #JustStopOil

A complete failure of political leadership when their own country is facing heatwaves and floods and people who try to stop it are going to jail.

Starmer has the chance to prove he's serious by not just talking but setting strong policies to stop oil.

We support our friends at #JustStopOil



🛑 No final de Julho, vamos ao Reino Unido para participar em ações de Just Stop Oil em aeroportos, numa ação internacional para pôr fim à queima de combustíveis fósseis até 2030

💥 Este é o início de uma Revolta Internacional para travar a guerra declarada por governos e empresas contra a humanidade

🚀 Envia-nos um email para climaximo @ riseup [ponto] net

👥 Junta-te à próxima chamada internacional de mobilização: 4 de Julho às 18:30 [Portugal Continental]

Maybe don't print a misleading headline implying that orange cornstarch is paint.

Maybe understand that fighting Big Oil *is* pro-humanity.

#JustStopOil #ClimateChange

you're not fighting Big Oil, you're vandalising monuments. You're like nazis burning books.
