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Items tagged with: stress

Die Vorfreude auf die #Ferien ist groß, doch dann kann man nicht richtig abschalten und versinkt zu Hause gleich wieder im #Stress: Das Dilemma kennen viele. Wie kann es uns gelingen, besser #Urlaub zu machen? Die #Psychologie hat Tipps:

How travel looks through quantified-self. I was traveling to Costa Rica for business Tuesday through Friday.

#CostaRica #QuantifiedSelf #Sleep #Stress #Heart

How much #stress is too much, and what can you do about it?

We’ll be discussing toxic stress with an expert in the field, Dr. Lawson Wulsin, at a free online webinar on Thursday, hosted by our health editor.

Dr. Wulsin has written about his work for us, too, in addition to his recent book:

Register for the #webinar here:
#Psychology #Health

Some forms of stress are a speedway ticket to accelerated aging and even early death.

A psychiatrist and medical professor helps lay out the differences between good stress and the toxic kind.

How can we treat it? By adopting daily habits that help the stress response system self-regulate.

Learn more:
#stress #aging #selfcare