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Items tagged with: Psychology

New research on kids and attachment: There’s been a long-standing notion held by many psychologists that early attachment behaviors are mainly determined by a child’s temperament.

No: Even children with characteristics of a difficult temperament can benefit from the advantages that come from multiple secure attachments.
#parenting #psychology #research

People with normal color vision are more likely to be resistant to trying new foods than those with colorblindness.

Maybe seeing the world with a restricted color palate tones down an emotion-based resistance to new foods.
#food #science #psychology #emotion

Children's skepticism about potential misinformation can be increased by exposing them to recognizably false information.


Original article (not open source):

That's what dads have been doing forever.

#Science #Learning #ChildDevelopment #Psychology #Misinformation

Inside the funhouse mirror factory: How social media distorts perceptions of norms
"When people stare into the [social media] mirror they do not see a true version of reality, but instead one that has been distorted by a small but vocal minority of extreme outliers whose opinions create illusory norms. In turn, these outliers are often amplified by design features and algorithms that prioritize engaging content."
#socialmedia #cogsci #psychology

There was a lot of smiling going on at the #vpdebate, but it wasn't about happiness.

A researcher of nonverbal communication took a close watch: #News #Psychology