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Items tagged with: ADHD

Yes, there is still a shortage of ADHD medications and it is global.



What's funny about the above diagram is that if you combine both of those circles, you have me on a good day and me on a bad day. Me simply functioning like a normal person? Almost doesn't happen. #depression #bipolar #ADHD

There's so much overlap between the two that it's questionable to me if they're even separate at all. Both affect the prefrontal cortex and the dopamine reward circuits in similar ways. And the same drugs are often used for both. And #depression or #bipolar is a common side effect of #ADHD.

#introduction (en version)

CN image: eye contact

hi, I'm void (they/them), admin of this instance
- adult, white, mostly able-bodied, #neurodivergent, #vegan, #ADHD, #depression, #trans, #NonBinary
- I support #intersectional, anti-racist, anti-ableistic, anti-capitalistic #feminism, #LGBTQIA+ rights, and left-progressive thinking. :progressprideheart:
- #Minecraft, #GenshinImpact, #Anime
- #streamer, #artist, #TechnicalWriter
- I'm hilariously unfunny