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Items tagged with: Bezos

Bezos spent $500 million to build his floating mansion (tallest sailing yacht in the world) so big, it has its own 250-foot support yacht. This year he bought his 4th private jet for $80 million & made 28 flights in 39 days, leaving a carbon footprint of 264 tons (17 times what the average American emits in a year). He filed a tax return 2011 showing he lost money & received a $4,000 child tax credit from the US government during a year in which his wealth held steady at $18 billion.


60,000 cancelled subscriptions in the first 24 hours following the NO endorsement announcement from #Bezos #WaPo is absolutely staggering. this might be the first time in the history of USA media that this happens.

but forget about the Washington Post a minute: Bezos trashed his credibility overnight. doesn't matter if he has the biggest valuation in the world, making him the richest asshole on paper. Bezos wants the respectability and influence of culture makers.

that ain't happening… ever.

The humor columnist has more backbone than Bezos.

Gift link:

#washingtonpost #uspol #bezos

Ok, tech community Mastodon …

We would love to cancel #Amazon but we actually make a lot of use of Alexa, especially for our 10yo who has ADHD. Setting reminders as an environmental support makes a huge difference for him, and with Alexa he can do this on his own and manage it.

Are there alternatives out there that aren’t Google or Apple? It doesn’t have to be a voice assistant exactly, but it should be easy for a 10yo and be able to make audio announcements. #WaPo #Bezos

If you had any doubts about what the billionaire #oligarchs who own #CorporateMedia want in this election, you should doubt no more. They want to enable a #fascist takeover so they can establish the #oligarchy they have always wanted. #Bezos is an #oligarch who cares more about his own power and his ability to pay little to no taxes than about #democracy in America.

#WashingtonPost breathed its last today, but it contracted a terminal disease when this oligarch bought it.

Voting with your wallet is one of the few tools we have left.

Grow a spine Bezos. "Democracy Dies in Darkness" is the slogan of the paper you bought. Now you've killed it.

(I wonder how many people cancelled today? Judging by my feed, it's not a small number.)

#WashingtonPost #Bezos #WP

Jeff #Bezos killed Washington Post endorsement of Kamala Harris, paper reports
