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Items tagged with: BoardGames

Great game of Dungeon Petz last night! I'm a big fan of the designer Vlaada Chvátil, and this is a great example of how his heavier games are still intuitive and well designed despite the rule density. Everything in the game just makes sense. The rulebook is a fantastic read as well :)

Dungeon Petz has players running their own pet shops, looking to grow, show off, and sell dangerous pets to dungeon keepers. Each round you fight over worker placement spots to buy new pets, cages, cage upgrades, food, and other actions.

The cool twist to this one is the order in which you select action spaces is dictated by the sizes of groups you create in private at the start of each round. So, you can make a really large group to ensure you get the action you want, but at the cost of being able to take less actions overall. Genius twist to a well known mechanic!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Brand new #BoardGame video posted! This time, I'm giving you all the details on playing #Flamecraft

But, it's not just me this time. I have a special guest star so check it out!

#BoardGames #TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #Games

Monday night #VCSBG #boardgames & #craftbeer at the Angry Ferret

A bunch of new and familiar games were played, mostly familiar ones.

Ark Nova, Can't Stop, Doge, The Crew, and one where, unusually for me, I cannot remember the name. That's why I take notes folks. Where was that piece of paper?

I did manage to win two games of Can't Stop. #DiceHateMe


Brainy and, uh, competitive worker placement game: Barrage #boardgames

Working on my rule books and scripts for videos, today. Maybe I'll even get around to sending them off.

#BoardGames #GameDesign #BGDev #GameDev