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Items tagged with: boardgames

Went to play some #boardgames yesterday, and shot a #pretty flower too. More flowers hopefully to come today. #MILC #photography

@GoblinQuester I am, at this point, completely used to being fucked over by RNGesus. Any source of randomness will maliciously seek to destroy everything in my vicinity that it can possibly reach.

I just take that as an axiom of existence and roll on with as much grace as I can manage. Though Arkham Horror is a really good example of a game which seems hell-bent on making sure that none of your preparation or randomness mitigation actually will save your ass.

Very true to the source material in its way, but not necessarily the most fun you can have with your pants on. I own Arkham Horror, but I'm pretty sure I've played it less than five times.

ARCS looks really good. It's got trick-taking card play, dice, exploration, and effectively turns the campaign game into a broad-scale RPG, in a sense. It's got a bunch of fascinating moving parts. And I would love to play with it.

#BoardGames #Arcs

@GoblinQuester Well, see to it at Fancy Lad! This sounds like an ideal situation.

I am aware that the game has a solo play mode, and I do love games that can be played solo. This seems like the sort of thing that would be wonderful perfection for setting up on a really large table and spending a weekend by yourself, pushing rockets through Hohmann transfer orbits with joyous abandon.

I would much rather play this than Twilight Imperium, I'm not going to lie. The kind of combat that would fall out of the combat module to be truly primo. But I am that kind of nerd.

#BoardGames #HighFrontier

It's very possible that High Frontier has the most beautiful game board that I've ever seen in my life. Absolutely stunning. All sorts of orbital mechanics expressed in a very singular way. I love it.

The obvious problem is there's no way that I would find anybody who wants to play this game with me anywhere I go. No one is nearly as obsessed with orbital mechanics and rocket design. This is a sad fact of life.

#HighFrontier #BoardGames #space