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Items tagged with: ConspiracyTheories

How the #Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors [#lies] About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True

#Springfield, #Ohio, city ofcls were contacted by #JDVance’s team & said the claims were baseless. It didn’t matter & now the town is in #chaos.

#RecklessEndangerment #CulpableNegligence #law #StochasticTerrorism #racism #hate #ConspiracyTheories


His remarks were the latest in a swirl of canards that #Trump has spread about #Haitian #immigrants, despite [#law enforcement], #local [+ #state & #federal government] officials debunking the claims [over & over & over]. Leaders in #Springfield have said the claims are harming the #community, which has been forced to #evacuate #schools, #CityHall & other buildings after receiving #threats due to Trump’s remarks.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies #dangerous #racist #ConspiracyTheories #WhiteNationalism

POS #TedCruz Shares #Racist #Immigration #Conspiracy

Sen Ted Cruz has joined the “Haitian #immigrants are eating house cats” [idiotic] #ConspiracyTheory, sharing a meme…on Mon that he presumably thinks is funny.

But as the internet was quick to remind him, Cruz probably shouldn’t be getting involved in spreading any #ConspiracyTheories involving pets.

#TedCruzSucks #VoteColinAllred

“It’s Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. But they don’t look at China & they don’t look at Iran. They look at Russia. I don’t know what it is with poor Russia,” #Trump said.


Trump’s rally…, was billed as focused on “draining the swamp,” but featured a stump speech that meandered from familiar attacks on inflation & jobs to falsehoods about sex-change operations for minors, #ConspiracyTheories about govt employment statistics & dismissals of Russian #ElectionInterference.