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Items tagged with: HumanShields

“At other times, a tank would rapidly move towards them, then drift back, less than a meter away from them. Ahmad realized the soldiers were toying with them.

At one point, soldiers picked Ahmad’s brother, Saeed, and tortured him, breaking his jaw. They kicked him in his genitals like they were ‘hitting a football,’ according to Saeed. They beat him so severely that he blacked out at one point.’”

#israel #palestine #gaza #IDF #humanShields #warCrimes #genocide

“The soldiers at several points fired bullets next to their feet in an effort to terrorize them, perhaps to make them amenable to following orders.

“Every time they shot at us, I instantly poked my back to check if I was still alive,” said Ahmad, recalling the soldiers’ giggles at how scared he and his family were.”

#israel #palestine #gaza #IDF #mostMoralArmyInTheWorld #humanShields #settlerColonialism #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide


"Israel's Use of Palestinian Children as Human Shields"

Three boys say the IDF used them to shield soldiers from potential harm during an IDF raid on a refugee camp.

"They forced Karam to walk in front of them, open the doors to each room, & enter it before them. While they were walking, one soldier placed his rifle on Karam's right shoulder & fired two shots toward an apartment".

#HumanShields #Gaza #IDF ..