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Items tagged with: Newpipe



Aber ds muss ich ganz ehrlich sagen... wem das wurscht ist, wird es wurscht bleiben.
Wer achtsam ist, hat ßFreetube #Libretube #Newpipe installiert und verwendet es auch.

Am Ende nutzt man sowieso wieder Googles Backends und fΓΆrdert keine Alternativen.

New #blog post: How I Watch YouTube…

I was going to work on a Part II to my last post ("You Really Can't Go Home"), but I couldn't find quite the angle I was looking for, so I'm shelving it for now.

This is just a fun and technical / tips & tricks kinda post (with a nice dash of opining and ranting for variety πŸ˜†) for watching YouTube without ads that was prompted by an episode of @tuxjam where @kevie complained that he didn't have a solid way to watch YouTube on Linux like he did with #NewPipe on #Android.

1080 words

cc: my wonderful #chorus: @amin @joel @joelchrono @dm @sotolf @ivan @thedoctor @pixx @mirabilos @twizzay @twizzay @orbitalmartian @adamsdesk

#rlDaneWriting #WritingMonth #blost #YouTube #PeerTube #Linux #Android #Privacy
