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Items tagged with: PHP

Do you use Carbon for your #PHP Date calculations? The diffIn* methods have changed in V3.

This is documented, but still caught me by surprise when testing updating to #Laravel 11.

As a #programmer (#PHP and other) i think the “rollback” work that has been done in #WordPress (and looks like more coming) is very impressive given the complexities and the scope:

My company has just announced that there will be a round of layoffs soon. They just laid off a bunch of C-levels. They're giving us the opportunity to "opt in" to "workforce reduction" with a promise of three months severance.

It's been pretty tumultuous here, lately, to be honest, and I'm considering it.

But, I've got a wife and four kids to take care of, and I've never willingly left a job when I didn't have another one already lined up. And we've got good benefits (healthcare and dental) right now, so I really don't want to give that up.

Maybe if I had something lined up with similar pay and benefits, I could do it.

So, I'm looking for any recommendations. I'm a #PHP developer (of roughly twenty years), who has been doing a lot of #golang for the past year, and I've gotten very proficient at that as well.

I'm looking for a US-based company, and a Principal/Staff/Senior Developer role.

Anybody have any good leads? My website is at, and I can be emailed at

#FediHire #FullStack #Programming #WebDevelopment #BoostsWelcome #PleaseBoost

The #PHP Foundation, alongside other #OpenSource organizations including the #Apache Software Foundation, #Blender Foundation, #OpenSSL Software Foundation, #Python Software Foundation, #Rust Foundation, and #Eclipse Foundation, announced today a collaborative initiative aimed at establishing common cybersecurity standards in alignment with the European Union’s Cyber Resilience Act (#CRA):

#PHP in 2024

"There are very good reasons to be excited about PHP these days. ...the PHP ecosystem keeps growing as well"