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Items tagged with: ardour

A track where the Wavetable synth from socalabs has an important place.
#ardour #Librazik #wavetable #linuxmao #linuxaudio #music #creativecommons #newwave

I finally decided to grow up and learn #Ardour and dump #Reaper as my #DAW. No shade on Reaper, it's a fabulous piece of proprietary software that runs well on #Linux. It's reasonably priced and highly functional. All things being equal, I'd rather use and support free software. So, when I got the point where I made my first export in Ardour, it asked me to become a subscriber, which I did, gladly, as the software works very well (for my purposes).

Harrison did it again:

Should look familiar to many #ardour users.

#mixbus #harrisonaudio