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Items tagged with: bookstodon

"Thirty-one authors and translators have withdrawn their work from consideration for or declined PEN America’s 2024 literary awards over the organisation’s 'failure to protect' Palestinian writers in Gaza.

"Nine out of 10 longlistees for the PEN/Jean Stein book award, worth $75,000, have withdrawn their books. Christina Sharpe, Catherine Lacey and Joseph Earl Thomas are among the withdrawing writers."

@palestine #Palestine #Israel #Gaza #books #bookstodon @bookstodon

Started listening to one of my favourite football (soccer) series, always worried about the narration when I start listening to a book, not really an audiobook fan, but I’ve started to listen to books I’ve already read, good when I’m walking or doing something.

I tend to fall sleep within minutes if I’m not active while listening 🤷‍♀️

Anyways, this series is truly a wonderful read. I highly recommend it.

#bookstodon #sapphicbooks

My birthday is coming in a few weeks and I would like to achieve the following milestone: Selling at least 46 copies of my books.

(For those who wonder, 46 refers to the age I'll then be.)

Will you help me?

#writingcommunity #readers #bookstodon #books @bookstodon @writingcommunity @writing

A pack horse librarian delivering books in rural Kentucky in 1938. During the Great Depression, the Pack Horse Library Project was a Works Progress Administration (WPA) program in which the librarians, who were often called "book women" or "book ladies," delivered books to remote parts of Appalachia.


#books #library #PublicWorks #WPA #reading #bookstodon @bookstodon

fun fact:

There is a book store in New York that lets you trade in used books in exchange for pickles. They are called Sweet Pickle Books and going there to get pickles is on my bucket list. :raccoon_trash:

here's there website where you can get their pickles or merch:

@bookstodon #books #reading #bookstodon

If you missed this fine #MURDERBOT short story over at Reactor, it's still available.

It takes place after EXIT STRATEGY, and is from Mensah's POV. Definitely fills in some understanding in the universe.
#bookstodon @bookstodon #books

Aaahhhh I got my electronic copy of @vicorva 's #TheOldGoatAndTheAlien and the cover came out so gorgeous wtf #amReading #bookstodon

(Image hidden for drawn eye contact: The cover of The Old Goat and the Alien by Veo Corva, showing a mountain goat with big curving horns and a pinkish-purple flame above its head sitting on a hillside with a brown-skinned human in colorful clothing. They both look relaxed, eyes bright and peaceful, while the violet sky behind them is streaked with silvery falling stars.)

I just started into "Unmatched - 50 Years of Supercomputing" by David Barkai. MUCH deeper than I expected. Organized around architectural epochs of supercomputers, but goes deep into applications, languages, and business history. Much to chew on. #bookstodon #supercomputing #ComputerHistory

Octavia Butler once said:
“All I did was look around at the problems we’re neglecting now and give them about 30 years to grow into full-fledged disasters.”

#bookstodon #books #BlackSFF

Dagens boktips 2:
Jamie Gwynmorgan-serien av Sophia Kell Hagin. En serie jag faktiskt ska läsa om nu. Mörk serie, så inget att läsa om man är på jakt efter något upplyftande. Väldigt bra dock 👌

Whatever Gods May Be
Shadows of Something Real
Omnipotence Enough
#bookstodon #sapphicbooks

Dagens boktips:
Fantasytrilogin When Women Were Warriors av Catherine M. Wilson. En serie det kanske är dags för mig att läsa igen.

The Warrior’s Path
A Journey to the Heart
A Hero’s Tale
#bookstodon #sapphicbooks

Hey everyone! I am a steering committee member of the Queer Liberation Library, an all-digital non-profit library focused on queer fiction and literature. We are looking for a home for a QLL Mastodon account (that I will be running).

Looking for instance recommendations that are queer-friendly, federate with dot social, and are open to organization accounts. I think a library-specific or queer-specific instance makes sense.

#queer #library #librarian #bookstodon

Queen’s Reading Room neuroscience study finds reading helps mental wellbeing

As little as five minutes of reading can reduce stress by nearly 20%.

#reading #stress #neuroscience #MentalHealth

Dagens boktips:
No Shelter but the Stars av Virginia Black.
#bookstodon #sapphicbooks

To create ‘Dune’, Frank Herbert found inspiration in unlikely places.
Conservation practices of the Indigenous tribes of the Pacific Northwest taught him about ecology, and helped inspire the planet Arrakis. Thanks to Leslie Reid’s pioneering ecological study “The Sociology of Nature” he found a model for the ecosystem of Arrakis in the Guano islands of Peru.
The ecological movement fully embraced 'Dune' after its publication in 1965.
@bookstodon #Bookstodon

My birthday got me two new books I’m very excited to read. Both written by a Jordan, not the same one though.

I hope my French will be good enough. But I played #RocketLeague with someone from France yesterday and he said my few sentences in the chat were very good. So I guess nothing can happen? It won’t be my first graphic novel in French either. Francophones do so many crest comics and graphic novels. 🇫🇷

@jmechner #Books #Bookstodon #Germany #GraphicNovel