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Items tagged with: climatejustice

#ClimateDiary Watching this made me think yet again about #ClimateJustice or rather, the profound iINJUSTICE of climate change: how the poorest - Rikshah drivers, street hawkers, labourers - suffer the most, without any accees to #AirCon, outside all day, yet contribute nothing to #ClimateChange. The impacts are so hnequal, so unfair, in micro as well as macro ways, it makes you want to screem. #Heatwave #Asia #India #Odisha

Imagine if we could spend two and a half TRILLION dollars to slow climate change, protect endangered species, re-wild the planet, and bring billions of people out of poverty while promoting equality and social justice.

But where could we possibly find that kind of money? 💵 💵 💵

Oh, wait…


#Politics #War #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

' ‘Two years to save the world’: UN climate chief calls for faster action and more finance
Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), speaks during a Chatham House event in London.'
I believe 2030, will be final decade for the human race and yet, because of decades of doing nothing and, 'do not frighten the children.' #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice