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Items tagged with: disinformation

2023: Peter Dutton spreads the #disinformation that 32 countries are using small #nuclear reactors (SMRs).

2024: "The OECD’s NEA recognises ***THREE*** SMRs as operational".


#Trump goes to war against real-time #FactChecks

The moves are the latest example of Trump’s long-held resistance to being called to account for his #lies.

Trump & his campaign have waged an aggressive campaign against #FactChecking in recent months, pushing TV networks, #journalism orgs & others to abandon the practice if they hope to interact w/Trump.

#TrumpLies #disinformation #propaganda #ConspiracyTheories
#WeAreNotGoingBack #RealityBasedPolitics #HarrisWalz2024

In an interview of JD Vance published in today's New York Times, reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro asks Vance repeatedly whether he believes Trump lost the 2020 election. Here are his replies:


"Do you believe he lost the 2020 election?"

#Trump #JDVance #BigLie #lies #disinformation

"This is a flat out lie"
#NorthCarolina Governor #RoyCooper on Trump's lies about #HurricaneHelena aid.
Posted on 10-11-2024

"This is a flat out lie. We’re working with all partners around the clock to get help to people. Trump’s lies and conspiracy theories have hurt the morale of first responders and people who lost everything, helped scam artists and put government and rescue workers in danger. - RC "

#Trump #uspol deadly #disinformation

Great #OSINT and #Recon by SormOrdinaryGamer on the @internetarchive hack that points to be a #Russian #disinformation #misinformation #psyop:

@defcon @2600 #InternetArchive #fediverse #mastodon

As Ruth Ben-Ghiat says, the wall-to-wall lying we're seeing Trump engage in right now as the election nears is par for the course for authoritarians, who have to control reality for their followers. She says that "Trump’s campaign … is better understood as a disinformation and radicalization machine."

#Trump #JDVance #authoritarianism #lies #disinformation

Rebecca Crosby and Noel Sims say,

"Falsely blaming migrants for nearly every problem — real and imagined — is the core issue of the Trump 2024 campaign."

Then they do a detailed rundown of how Trump uses the same formula — Immigrants are to blame — with issue after issue.

#Trump #Republicans #immigrants #xenophobia #fear #lies #disinformation

"Before we read this excellent new piece from Popular Information, we hadn’t realized quite how many of Trump’s lies follow exactly the same brain-dead formula: Identify problem. Blame immigrants."

~ William Kristol and Andrew Egger

#Trump #Republicans #immigrants #xenophobia #fear #lies #disinformation

As #Hurricane #Milton intensifies & heads toward #Florida’s Gulf Coast, residents are not only preparing for its impacts but also dealing w/ #disinformation about #FEMA. The disaster relief agency has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in #aid so far to help those affected by Hurricane #Helene. #Trump claims FEMA is running out of money after spending it on undocumented #migrants. …Those #lies are discouraging people from applying for funds they desperately need.

The editorial says,

"The most unhelpful thing any politician—or anyone else—can do right now is spread misinformation and tell people that their government isn't doing anything to help them. Sowing the seeds of political division is always an unnecessary and tiresome endeavor. But doing so in times of great need, when unity is paramount, is particularly shameful."

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #solidarity #NorthCarolina

Below is a link to the joint editorial written by Charlotte Observer and Raleigh News and Observer, mentioned in /19 and /20.

If it's paywalled for you (as it is for me), you can find the whole text at the Wepage Archive site at

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #solidarity #NorthCarolina

"We have to ask ourselves: How did we get here? How did we arrive at a place where truth is so easily discarded in favor of partisan narratives? Part of the problem lies in the deliberate erosion of trust in institutions and the media. When Trump brands any unfavorable news as 'fake,' it primes his supporters to dismiss factual reporting."

~ Parker Molloy

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #media #SocialMedia

"We need to work together to rebuild and recover from a catastrophic disaster like this one - and spreading false information to sow chaos hurts real people. Politicians, billionaires and grifters who peddle lies during a time of crisis should be held accountable."

~ North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, as quoted by Brian Stelter

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #solidarity #NorthCarolina

"Donald Trump is a fascist and he and the Republican Party have put this country on a path towards fascism. If he gets back into power, he will care nothing about governing. All of his energy will be dedicated to grifting and revenge. And most of us aren’t prepared."

~ Mary Trump

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #Republicans

"A unified, well-functioning, democratic society depends on shared understanding of factual reality. But men who are bent on fascistic rule—to consolidate their power and serve their authoritarian interests—are working aggressively and methodically to undermine the public’s capacity to know what is true or false and what is right or wrong."

~ Steven Beschloss

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #Republicans

"But many of the lies (that FEMA is only offering $750 to disaster victims, running out of money, that FEMA money has gone overseas) comes directly from the people who could be in charge of the national disaster response next year."

Moynihan then goes on to focus specifically on the lies that Trump and Vance are spreading. It's not just the Russians….

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #ElonMusk #Republicans

"FEMA set up a website to battle misinformation. Some of it comes from the usual suspects, like foreign adversaries such as Russia, seeking to sow mistrust, or professional conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones."

~ Don Moynihan

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #Republicans #FEMA #Russia #Putin

"Republicans have an entire media apparatus built up to spread their fallacies and fraudulent claims. So treat this as a warning. They will lie about the election like they’re lying about this hurricane. They will sacrifice our democracy just like they’re exploiting this human tragedy. Nothing is sacred to these people other than the consolidation of power. All for themselves."

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #ElonMusk #Republicans

"Those lies will run rampant on Twitter, where Elon will not only do nothing to prevent it—he will spread it widely while looking at himself in the mirror and perhaps quietly sobbing while telling himself that he’s a revolutionary."

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #ElonMusk

"Keep in mind that this is a test run for November and for the lava of dirty, entirely baseless lies that they will no doubt spread about voter fraud, vote dumps, and ballot harvesting."

~ Brian Tyler Cohen

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #ElonMusk

"Elon Musk and Trump’s other ultra-wealthy supporters understood it as their solemn duty to draw as much attention to these lies as possible."

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #ElonMusk

"They should portray their own confusion as government malice or incompetence. They should claim to have witnessed FEMA abandoning Republican-heavy regions and illegal immigrants walking away with relief money first hand. They should even use artificial intelligence technology to fabricate images that reinforce these lies."

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism

"When Donald Trump started telling conspicuous lies about the federal response to Hurricane Helene, all of MAGA understood the assignment.

His supporters understood they should spread rumors or fabricate anecdotes consistent with Trump’s claims. They should portray their own confusion as government malice or incompetence."

~ Brian Beutler

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism

"Western NC is intensely Republican. So the Trumpy disinformation campaign will disproportionately hurt Trump supporters. That’s malevolent."

~ Doug Heye quoted by Greg Dworkin

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #solidarity #NorthCarolina

"If the strategy [of lying] isn’t brilliant, though, and if he has evidence that it in fact lost him an election, why return to it again and again?

I think the answer is that disasters can be a major spur to solidarity and unity—and Trump, as an instinctual gutter fascist, loathes solidarity, and rejects it even when it could plausibly be used to his advantage."

~ Noah Berlatsky

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #solidarity

"Russian political theorists who were key to the rise of Russian president Vladimir Putin after the collapse of the Soviet Union called this manipulation 'political technology.”'

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #Russia #Putin

"Trump’s lies are not errors. They are part of a well-documented strategy to overturn democracy by using modern media to create a false political world. Voters begin to base their political decisions on that fake image, rather than on reality, and are manipulated into giving up control of their government to an authoritarian."

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism

"This morning began with a CNN headline story by fact checker Daniel Dale, titled 'Six days of Trump lies about the Hurricane Helene response.' Dale noted that Republican nominee for president Donald Trump has been one of the chief sources of the disinformation that has badly hampered recovery efforts."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism

"Over a span of six days, in public comments and social media posts, Trump has used his powerful megaphone to endorse or invent false or unsubstantiated claims."

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism

"Former President Donald Trump has delivered a barrage of lies and distortions about the federal response to Hurricane Helene.

While various misinformation about the response has spread widely without Trump’s involvement, the Republican presidential nominee has been one of the country’s leading deceivers on the subject."

~ Daniel Dale

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism

"Two of North Carolina's largest newspapers — The Charlotte Observer and The News & Observer — collaborated on an op-ed published Sunday, publicly condemning Donald Trump's response to Hurricane Helene, which has left over 200 people dead, and an 'untold number of people missing,' according to The New York Times."

~ Maya Boddie

#Trump #lies #disinformation #hurricane #Helene #fascism #solidarity #NorthCarolina

As Trump lied that Biden is using FEMA $ to "give it to their illegal immigrants that they want to have vote for them," Musk actually posted “Yes, they are literally using YOUR tax dollars to import voters and disenfranchise you! It is happening right in front of your eyes. And FEMA used up its budget ferrying illegals into the country instead of saving American lives. Treason.”

They're trying to incite violence with these lies. #terrorism #disinformation

"Vance is on the ticket of the only former president who, before our own eyes, tried to kneecap democracy to hold on to power.

That is disqualifying for anyone seeking to be first in the line of succession. Yet it seems that very important fact was lost amid the postdebate discourse that focused on the more polished nature of Vance’s answers over Walz’s.

~ Kimberly Atkins Stohr

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #lies #disinformation #BigLie #Jan6

"Last night, we saw a 90-minute infomercial for normalizing Nazis.

I don’t use the word lightly, I use it precisely. Nothing neo about the criminal gang trying to take over America. They’re using a cruel and effective fascist playbook that I have documented on these pages in depth and with receipts."

~ Heidi Siegmund Cuda

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #lies #disinformation #BigLie #Jan6

"Well, here we have the GOP members of the State using their power to shield the truth from the people since that is 'the mortal enemy of the lie.'”

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #lies #disinformation #BigLie #Jan6