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Items tagged with: hell

Vollmond im Januar: Heute Nacht scheint über NRW der "Wolfsmond"

Heute Nacht scheint der "Wolfsmond". So wird der erste Vollmond des Jahres genannt. Was dahinter steckt und wann er zu sehen ist.#Mond #Vollmond #Wolfsmond #Januar #Mythos #schlafen #Schlaf #schlecht #Nacht #hell #Hartung
Vollmond im Januar: Heute Nacht scheint über NRW der "Wolfsmond"

#world is under satanic #control

and sheeple follow the orders from #hell

#TheClash - Straight to Hell (Remastered)

Event Horizon: Not as bad as I remembered from when I originally saw this on the big screen.

Random thoughts: Horror Solaris. I love that the Event Horizon is an upside down crucifix.

The original cut was 30 minutes longer and had more development of the supporting characters, studio execs asked Anderson to cut the film because they found it too disgusting, gory and unsettling. I’d love to see the original cut.

Rated 5 out of 10.

#movies #scifi #horror #space #hell #space #eventhorizon

Tonight’s movie is Event Horizon (1997) in Dolby Vision on 4K UHD Blu-ray.

#movies #scifi #horror #hell #space #eventhorizon