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Items tagged with: northkorea

#Hamas #Isis #Hezbollah #Houthis #barbarians #neanderthalbehavior #Islamists #jihadists #womenhavenorights #slavery •savagery •brutality •depravity allied with #Russia #Iran #China #NorthKorea Hamas burned their own house down What do we call a group of people who steal donated supplies so they can resell them for profit? Capitalists

"The axis of upheaval," consisting of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea is characterized by a shared opposition to Western dominance and seeks to challenge existing global norms and institutions. #commentary #worldnews #russia #china #iran #northkorea #us #defense

#NorthKorea Korea and #Russia may be preparing a large-scale military provocation in October, before the US presidential election, NBC News reports.

The #US is also worried that the strengthening of the military alliance between Putin and Jong-un could significantly expand the DPRK's nuclear capabilities.

North Korean IT workers over three years illicitly worked remotely for hundreds of U.S. firms as part of a scheme to help fund Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons and missile programs. #asiapacific #politics #northkorea #us #missiles #telework