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Items tagged with: china

Please note those protests in #China against Covid lockdowns were successful. The Govt responded quickly. No one was jailed or even charged for protesting. (Democracy in action - unlike US campus protests today).
I note #US Human Rights Watch lacks credibility re China, being largely funded by a list of Sinophobic, neo-lib warmongers on the planet, including George Soros' Open Society Foundation.
#China #us

#US intelligence officials assess that #Russia and #China are working more closely together on military issues, including a potential invasion of #Taiwan, prompting new planning across the government to counter a potential scenario in which the countries fight in coordination.

“We see China and Russia, for the first time, exercising together in relation to Taiwan and recognizing that this is a place where China definitely wants Russia to be working with them,"


:flan_laugh: omg.. Even our "personal home IP" from where I hosted PeerTube and some other stuff in the past is blocked in #China :nkoFacepalm2:

I knew was blocked but my home IP, c'mon.. LOL :pooh_blush:

Jian G.: Jian G. Partei bestätigt: Mutmaßlicher China-Spion war SPD-Mitglied #MaximilianKrah #KevinKühnert #Deutschland #JianG. #China #SPD

Spionageaffäre: Spionageaffäre Krah-Mitarbeiter war langjähriger Zuträger des Verfassungsschutz #Verfassungsschutz #MaximilianKrah #Deutschland #Spionage #China #AfD

Steve Milloy on Biden’s Climate Agenda on FOX Business #BidenAdministraion #StuartVarney #SteveMilloy #Emissions #Mining #China #India

#CDU-Skandal: ok. wir haben uns vielleicht von Aserbaidschan bezahlen lassen, ach und 1 Milliarde € an dreckigen Maskendeals, naja 🤷‍♂️

#AfD-Skandal: Abgeordnete und Mitarbeiter von uns haben für #Putin und #China gespitzelt, naja passiert 🤷‍♂️


Aktuelle Stunde: Aktuelle Stunde Krah-Affäre wird Thema im Bundestag #AktuelleStunde #MaximilianKrah #Deutschland #Europawahl #Bundestag #China #Spion #AfD

Interview with Cosette Wu, a Taiwanese-American student at Harvard and co-director of the Coalition of Students Resisting the CCP. The Coalition is made up of Tibetan, Taiwanese, Uyghur and Hong Kong students working in solidarity toward their collective liberation

#Taiwan #Tibet #Hongkong #Uyghur #China #activism


I agree with all you've said.
However, #TikTok indoctrinates, too.
The #CCP is world-class in controlling the narrative on the internet, which OFC they do in the #PRC with the same app. #TikTok is pushing rightwing propaganda, just like the #DeadBirdSite: ,

And OFC, they control everything on it regarding #China. I'm positive that a #Short reporting on the plight of the #Uighurs would not be online for > 1 hour.


Spitzenkandidat für EU-Wahl: Spitzenkandidat für EU-Wahl Mitarbeiter als China-Spion festgenommen: Jetzt spricht Krah #MaximilanKrah #Deutschland #Mitarbeiter #Spionage #China

Spionageaffäre: Spionageaffäre AfD-Spitze vermeidet klares Bekenntnis zu Krah #MaximilianKrah #Deutschland #Chrupalla #Spionage #Weidel #China #AfD

Blinken tells CNN the US has seen evidence of #China attempting to influence upcoming US elections

JF-Reportage: JF-Reportage Hongkongs Kampf gegen Peking: Protest im Keim erstickt #KommunistischeParteiChinas #Studenten #Hongkong #Ausland #China

Germany arrests spies accused of snatching 'special laser' for China #britain #germany #arrest #spies #china #laser #CTD #MSS

@fgbjr @porkroll

#GettingToYes #DisputeResolution


...government, will NOT fulfill your assumptions.

Also, given the massive election interference of other countries, in particular #Russia and #China, but also #India (e.g. in #Canada,), some of the participants will be a kind of agent-provocateurs. They explicitly do NOT want a de-escalation and a reasonable solution. They want to further fuel the fire and polarize Western societies in this #HybridWar.

So, the books methods are...

The U.S. House delays on the foreign aid package to #Ukraine and #Taiwan, now passed by the Senate, helped Russia by among things giving Putin time to move forward with plans to purchase ballistic missiles from Iran.

And it sent the wrong geopolitical message to #China, too, according to an international relations scholar:
#UkraineRussiaWar #USPolitics #BreakingNews #News

Spionierte Mitarbeiter von AfD-Politiker Krah für China?

Die Polizei hat nach ARD-Informationen einen Mann in Dresden wegen Spionageverdachts festgenommen. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Mitarbeiter des AfD-Spitzenkandidaten für die Europawahl, Krah. Der Mann soll für China spioniert haben.


#Spionage #China #AfD

NPR: A U.S. Navy sailor was found guilty of "attempted espionage, failure to obey a lawful order and attempted violation of a lawful general order" at a general court martial. He shared "classified and national defense information" with a foreign agent between November 2022 and February 2023, including days before his arrest by Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The sailor was assigned to Japan-based destroyer USS Higgins (DDG-76) and previously served on the USS Curtis Wilbur as a fire controlman (in charge of operation and maintenance of missile systems, gun fire control systems and computer systems). While the foreign government isn't identified, it is assumed to be China. 🔗

#espionage #USN #nationalsecurity #China

The turmoil in the Middle East has led to many speculations about the extent to which Russia and Iran are coordinating their actions. So I decided to make a video about the relationship between #Russia, #China, and #Iran.

This time I am linking to a post on my new Ghost site. Some people have requested that I post transcripts of my videos, which seemed like a good idea. So if you prefer to "read" my videos instead of watching them, you can sign up for the newsletter.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit China next week to put pressure on Beijing to stop supporting Russia in the war against Ukraine
#AureFreePress #news #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #China #Breaking #BreakingNews

The House of Representatives votes to ban TikTok in the US if the app’s China-based owner doesn’t sell its share within one year. The bill goes to the Senate next. AP explains more, including how, if passed into law, court challenges could block it from going into effect.
#News #USNews #TikTok #Tech #Technology #China

"Russia's one path to victory in Ukraine leads through minds and mouths in Washington, DC. Russian and Chinese propaganda therefore celebrates the inability of Congress to pass aid for Ukraine, and praises those who hinder the passage of such a bill. But the specific propaganda memes that China spreads (and some American leaders repeat) about the war are of Russian origin."

~ Timothy Snyder

#Russia #Ukraine #China #disinformation

'Apple pulls WhatsApp, Threads from China app store... after being ordered to do so by the Chinese government, which cited national security concerns.
Telegram and Signal - two other foreign messaging apps - were also removed from the store on Friday, according to app tracking firms Qimai and AppMagic.'
#apple #tech #Facebook #politics #china #security



"Arbeitswert 3"--den Begriff konnte ich bei einer Volltextsuche der PDF nicht finden. Was meinst du damit?

Ich gehe i.Ü. auch von einer sinkenden Gesamtenergienachfrage aus. Die #Deindustrialisierung dürfte MiFri auch in DE ankommen. V.a. Die #Automobilindustrie sollte es hart erwischen, sollte sich nicht auch in der #EU wieder #Merkantilismus a la #China breit machen (vgl. Economist pod von letzter Woche zu China). Energieintensive Chemie-, Montan- und...


11 companies, including entities from China, Russia and the UAE, were added to an export blacklist by the U.S. Commerce Department, due to their potential threat to U.S. national security or foreign policy. #worldnews #politics #us #china #defense #semiconductors #ai

„Deutsche Firmen beklagen Nachteile in China“

Zwei Drittel der in #China tätigen deutschen Unternehmen fühlen sich dort laut einer Umfrage unfair behandelt. Beim Besuch von Kanzler Scholz in der Volksrepublik fordert die Außenhandelskammer daher Rückhalt.

(Gibt es eigentlich irgendein Thema, in dem Privatunternehmer nicht erst höhnisch über die Bundesrepublik herziehen, um dann aber staatliche Unterstützung einzufordern, wenn die Profite nicht mehr sprudeln? 🤔🇩🇪🇪🇺)