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Items tagged with: shrapnel

"Furthermore, he reportedly no longer has a valid medical license and is certified only to provide emergency treatment or to practice on military bases.

The lack of information around Trump’s injury is troubling. In what universe is a presidential candidate shot and the hospital doesn't make a statement about the treatment? More information should be public knowledge by now."

#Trump #shooting #gun #shrapnel #RonnyJackson

"The only medical information the Trump campaign has released [after Trump was allegedly shot] comes from the disgraced Jackson, who was demoted by the Navy after a Defense Department report found he drank on the job, among other misbehavior. Jackson was not Trump’s attending physician immediately following the shooting."

~ Joan McCarter

#Trump #shooting #gun #shrapnel #RonnyJackson

"Yesterday, FBI director Christopher Wray told Congress that it is not clear whether Trump was 'grazed' by a bullet or by shrapnel, words that former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance called 'FBI speak for, "it’s unlikely it was a bullet"' ...

But as Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo has noted, much of the press has kept mum about the story."

#Trump #bullet #shrapnel #media

"FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that it is not clear whether Donald Trump was struck by a bullet during the assassination attempt against him earlier this month.

Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Wray testified about the agency’s investigation into the attempted assassination, expressing uncertainty about the nature of the injury Trump suffered to his ear."

~ Robert McCoy

#Trump #bullet #shrapnel #media

#Israeli-made weapons designed to spray high levels of #shrapnel are causing #horrific wounds and maximize #civilian #casualties in #Gaza and disproportionately harming #children

#Israeliwarcrimes #Palestinian #IsraelHamasWar