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The more I learn about the #Fediverse and #ActivityPub, the more flawed and broken it feels.
Biggest flaw: Comments are not properly federated. If no one from my instance is following the person replying, I don't get to see it. Why wasn't this fixed until now? Can this even be fixed?
This makes this place feel way more dead than it actually is.

It's not surprising that #BlueSky chose to develop their own protocol(#ATProto) because they saw the flaws and the refusal to fix them.

in reply to Jasdemi 🎮

I don't think it's going to be "fixed" since the workaround is like 2 clicks/taps and the opposite would potentially overload servers, especially ones like yours or mine with only a single user.🤷‍♂️

It might seem annoying, but I'd much rather have to click a couple things than to not be able to run the instance at all because of data costs.

Unless they can figure out some way to do it without DDOSing the servers, it probably won't happen.

Nostr has the same issue, it's just not very apparent. If someone is on a different relay than you, and neither of your relays are "firehose" relays, then you won't see each other's comments either.

I've had that issue a few times before they started saving the relay info cryptographically with the private keys. When I'd go to different apps that I used different relays with, certain people wouldn't show.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

The very least I would like to see are up to date posts by people I follow. Your instance should be responsible to keep your followers up-to-date. It would put the same load on your instance as publishing a post.
This issue has been open for 6 years and nothing has improved, so I agree with you that it's never gonna get fixed:

What do you mean with 2 clicks? Does your app have a feature to fetch remote replies?

in reply to Jasdemi 🎮

my instance does pull replies and posts from everyone I follow. I didn't know we were talking about that.

I thought we were talking about replies and such from people we don't follow.😬