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"It’s possible that, if J. D. Vance had his way, citizenship in the United States would be conferred not solely by birthright but by marriage and children….

The day that President Joe Biden announced he would not seek reëlection, the conservative activist and attorney Will Chamberlain posted to X a 'simple, underdiscussed reason why Kamala Harris shouldn’t be president': 'No children'.”

~ Jessica Winter

#JDVance #KamalaHarris #women

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"It’s worth pointing out that Vance is not just a misogynist. He’s also embracing white nationalist talking points and a white nationalist agenda. Vance’s belief that biological reproduction is the main role of women in society is part and parcel of the far-right eugenic poison in which Vance and his main funder and advocate, billionaire tech asshole Peter Thiel, regularly marinate."

~ Noah Berlatsky

#JDVance #PeterThiel #KamalaHarris #eugenics #nationalism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The white nationalist right wants to seize control of reproduction in order to ensure white voting power and white supremacy. Superior (white) women are supposed to get down to the business of making babies; non white people are to be deported. Supersmart white men like Thiel, Musk, Trump, and Vance can then get back to the work of unchallenged patriarchy."

#JDVance #PeterThiel #KamalaHarris #eugenics #nationalism #immigrants

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Vance said people with children should have extra votes over people without. 'When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power, you should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic, than people who don’t have kids.' ...

Republican Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters referred to it as those parents having 'skin in the game.'”

~ Evan Hurst

#JDVance #KamalaHarris #WhiteChristianNationalism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"These people believe they have ownership of the future, as if they’re holding the deed. Because they believe they own their children, whether their children are still children or not. That’s why Vance wants Christian Nazi-type parents to vote extra times on behalf of their kids, even though in all likelihood many of their kids would recoil at the votes their parents cast in their name."

#JDVance #KamalaHarris #WhiteChristianNationalism

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Donald Trump and all the other arrogant, woman-hating Republican geniuses think attacking Kamala Harris’ laugh is a smart play. As if putting her down for her exuberance and joyfulness will reveal her to be unserious, unattractive, unfit for the job. As if a majority of Americans are not sick to death of the nasty, joyless, hateful and degrading mentality and agenda of Trump and his enablers."

~ Steven Beschloss

#KamalaHarris #Trump #age #women

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

" As if American voters—more than half of whom are women—really want to be told how to behave by a 78-year-old convicted felon who’s been found liable for sexual assault and has made exceedingly clear throughout his life what he thinks of women."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #women #age

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Democrats appear to be generating significant enthusiasm among younger Americans. Yesterday, for the first time in their history, the March for Our Lives organization endorsed a presidential candidate: Kamala Harris. Students from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, organized March for Our Lives after the shooting there in 2018."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#KamalaHarris #Trump #YoungVoters #age

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination for president, sharing the news in a joint phone call. …

'This is going to be historic,' Michelle Obama tells Harris."

~ Tessa Stuart, Nikki McCann Ramirez

#KamalaHarris #Trump #Obamas

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Trump went on Fox News yesterday to characterize Kamala Harris as "garbage." Her campaign responds:

“After watching Fox News this morning we only have one question, is Donald Trump ok? … Trump is old and quite weird. This guy shouldn’t be president ever again."

~ Dan Ladden-Hall

#KamalaHarris #Trump #age #MentalStability

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Trump has been pretending that he is not aware of the proposals in Project 2025—the blueprint for an authoritarian takeover of the federal government.... But JD Vance has made it impossible for Trump to maintain the fiction that he is unaware of those ideas. Vance ha written the forward to an upcoming book by Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, who describes himself as the 'head' of Project 2025."

~ Robert B. Hubbell

#Trump #JDVance #Project2025

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the presidential race is an astonishing moment in U.S. political history — one that Democrats across the country are greeting with a mixture of shock and relief. Jewish tradition has an idea tailor-made to help us process moments of generational change like this one: 'L’dor vador.'”

~ Emily Tamkin

#Biden #hope #future #Jewish

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The phrase 'L’dor vador' means 'from generation to generation,' and is found repeatedly throughout the Bible. …

Living by the principle of 'l’dor vador' makes life fuller, inviting us to serve as part of something bigger than ourselves, with the goal that it will outlast not just our own lives, but the lives of our children’s children’s children.

It promotes a kind of selflessness that is also self-serving: By working for the future, you give meaning to your own life and legacy."


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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"OVER THE LAST WEEK, a conspiracy theory caught fire on the American right that was so easily disprovable that it’s worth taking the time to name and shame the people who spread it or otherwise abetted it, whether out of malice, stupidity, or sheer tinfoil-hat lunacy.

The crux of the rumor: that President Joe Biden was dead or dying."

~ Cathy Young

#Biden #Republicans

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Harris is ahead with voters under 45 by 10 points over Trump. In the last poll, Trump was ahead of Biden with that group of voters. Harris also gained among Hispanic voters over the numbers Biden had after the debate. In fact, Harris’ numbers in this poll among young and Hispanic voters are better than any poll Times/Siena did this year."

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#KamalaHarris #YoungVoters #Hispanic

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"There have been three high-profile police and security guard killings of Black people in Wisconsin and Illinois, the host states of the Republican and Democratic conventions this summer."

~ Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan

#KamalaHarris #Trump #racism #misogyny

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"In Milwaukee, out-of-town police brought in for the Republican convention shot and killed Samuel Sharpe, an unhoused man with cerebral palsy, while security guards at a downtown hotel pinned down and killed 43-year-old father D’Vontaye Mitchell. Outside Chicago, in the state capital of Springfield, a white police officer shot and killed 36-year-old Sonya Massey, after she called 911 for help. The officer has been charged with first-degree murder."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #racism #misogyny

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Racism and sexism are not only toxic, but can kill. They have no place in our political discourse, and no place on the presidential campaign trail."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #racism #misogyny

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Defining 'Us' is the chief preoccupation of nationalism, and an 'Us' that believes America can be made great again only by reversing 60 years of cultural liberalization naturally resents seeing women forgo motherhood for work."

~ Nick Catoggio, quoted by Bill Kristol, who offers a link to Catoggio's paywalled article at the Dispatch

#JDVance #WhiteChristiannationalism #women #cats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Vance’s emphasis on childless cat 'ladies' is a tell in that regard: He didn’t need to gender his critique, as his complaint about childless people not having a stake in America’s future applies equally well to men. But it’s not men whose childlessness so offends revanchist traditionalists, is it?"

#JDVance #WhiteChristiannationalism #women #cats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that it is not clear whether Donald Trump was struck by a bullet during the assassination attempt against him earlier this month.

Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Wray testified about the agency’s investigation into the attempted assassination, expressing uncertainty about the nature of the injury Trump suffered to his ear."

~ Robert McCoy

#Trump #bullet #shrapnel #media

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Yesterday, FBI director Christopher Wray told Congress that it is not clear whether Trump was 'grazed' by a bullet or by shrapnel, words that former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance called 'FBI speak for, "it’s unlikely it was a bullet"' ...

But as Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo has noted, much of the press has kept mum about the story."

#Trump #bullet #shrapnel #media

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

As Rachel Leingang and Stephanie Kirchgaessner note, Kevin Roberts of Project 2025 has close ties to the secretive, wealthy, right-wing theocratic Catholic cult Opus Dei.

As does Supreme Court kingmaker Leonard Leo, who has stacked the court with Catholics who either belong to Opus Dei or are thickly connected to it. Opus Dei was born in pro-fascist reactions to communism in Spain, and uses stealth and money to push theocracy.

#Project2025 #OpusDei #KevinRoberts

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Like a warm compress drawing pus from a wound, the Democratic presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris immediately brought out the misogyny and racism of the Maga Republican party."

~ Judith Levine

As Levine says, we need to pay attention, "because that bigotry isn’t just talk, it’s Republican policies."

#KamalaHarris #Republicans #racism #misogyny

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"In the few days since Kamala Harris began her 2024 campaign for president, the media has shown us where some of their coverage is headed: no place good.

Both the rightwing and traditional media are making some predictable blunders. Add in the swill that circulates endlessly on the social media platforms, and you’ve got a mess.

Take, for example, the recent coverage of a Republican congressman’s smear of Harris."

~ Margaret Sullivan

#KamalaHarris #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"With the Olympics, VP choice, and the DNC, Trump can’t claim the attention back the way he’s used to doing.

Further, he’s spent years trying to get folks to not vote for Biden. He doesn’t know how to get new people to vote for Trump. Now that it’s Kamala Harris, he’s screwed, because he hasn’t time to figure out how to run against her.

This is exactly what Democrats hoped for, and exactly what Republicans feared."

~ Greg Dworkin

#KamalaHarris #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Trump is hopping mad about the congressional testimony Wednesday of his own appointee as FBI director, in which he said whether it was a bullet or shrapnel [that grazed Trump's ear] remained an outstanding question."

~ David Kurtz

Remember that shady doctor Ronny Jackson has told the public that a bullet struck Trump's ear and produced a 2-cm. wide wound less than a quarter inch from his head — and the media bought this?

#Trump #shooting #media