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#SmallWeb – Live stream of my computer science colloquium at the University of Groningen.


Today, 3PM Netherlands time.


(You can follow our streaming server from your fediverse accounts to get updates when we go live.)

Hope to see some of you there.

PS. This will be a best-effort stream from my little laptop with the Internet connection at the university permitting. I just did some tests at the hotel and I’m happy with how they turned out.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

Update: time change – talk is now going to be at 3PM – so an hour earlier.

PS. Here’s more info on today’s talk:

#SmallWeb #SmallTech #ComputerScience #UniversityOfGroningen #web #dev #peerToPeer #peerToPeerWeb #personalWeb #foss #openSource #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #NodeJS

in reply to Harald Eilertsen

@harald Hey, Harald, yep, I recorded it. Will release it after I’m back in Ireland (sometime after tomorrow) :)