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Items tagged with: HTML

Har ej sjuk läggning. Säg inget till någon. Men jag gillar att kolla på kurser om teknik utan att egentligen ta kursen. Nu får det bli lite "The Web Developer Bootcamp"

#HTML #CSS #JS osv. Bara för att det är gött 😂

Vad är jag för människa

#html #css #js

Little web dev tip: if you have just one address field in your HTML form (e.g., a textarea) but you still want the person filling it in to avail themselves of autocomplete, here’s a little reusable snippet you can use to achieve that:

(Ideally the web spec should be extended to include a full-address value for the autocomplete attribute.)

#HTML #autocomplete #JavaScript #address #web #dev #tip #code

.@heydon shares how he uses recent advances in CSS to perform detailed HTML testing without JavaScript. The technique is useful for accessibility audits, and can be applied independently across stacks.

Hat tip: @pablolarah #frontend #html #CSS #testing

Hey, all! On stream today we'll be making more updates to the Andromeda website, making use of Eleventy - check them out at @eleventy, and come hang out with us in chat!

#webdev #Eleventy #11ty #HTML #CSS #JavaScript

This is so f***** up!! O_O

Be aware when you receive HTML emails (who doesn't?)!

#Phishing #SCAM
#Thunderbird #Outlook

I tried a few and they all sounded like alt-rock band names 😄

#css #color #html #web


A11yphant (, a great little tool to learn accessibility, one step at a time, with a few easy, medium and hard challenges. #accessibility #html #css


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