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in reply to Mike McCue

😬this PR will unfortunately overshadow the truth. They're engaging in dark pattern/planned obsolescence behavior and when confronted, doubled down on it. This integration is not in good faith...😔

I really hope you can show them how it's supposed to be done in a few weeks.

in reply to damon

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Mike McCue

Just a heads-up, the "download" link there ultimately ends up giving me a generic AWS access denied error
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Mike McCue

maybe you were trying to push them in this direction, but what we need from somebody as powerful as #meta is help building a decentralized #w3c standard to transfer money (not crypto). as easy as sending $5 from to with the ability to build apps around it. To directly pay for servers, apps, media etc. I don't see how it would help them but it's so needed and it would probably require their resources and connections to make happen. #FedNow
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)