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This smells like a real story. The headline says “mystery fundraising firm,” but there’s no evidence of a fundraising firm. There is a Delaware LLC, apparently a ghost or a shell—no address except a post-office box—that has received $3.1 million in Trump campaign cash.

Where did the money go then? Into thin air?

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in reply to Bryan Williams

#TFG #MentalHealth
#Dementia? #USpol #Elections2024

Via #CNN

"Author says he has cognitive questions about #Trump after interviewing him six times
Journalist and author #RaminSetoodeh has interviewed former President Trump six times since Trump left the White House. In an interview with CNN's #KaitlanCollins, #Setoodeh says Trump's struggled with his memory and appeared to still believe he had foreign policy powers."

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

@HistoPol @BryanW
Related to this mysterious three million dollars, I suspect that it is another hush money payment related to his legal cases.

HistoPol (#HP) reshared this.

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

@HistoPol @BryanW
"I can't be expected to remember the thousands of people I have met have you heard my shark story and I would rather be electrocuted'!"