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Items tagged with: Dementia

A gentle reminder for all of you who -- like me -- are learning how to heal in the wake of losing loved ones to #dementia.

#Alzheimers #grief #healing #mentalhealth #poetry

I felt embarrassed for Democrats and disheartened by #Trump's performance. #Democrat voters are going to have to debase themselves and vote for a #Dementia patient, while #Trump relied on #JoeBiden to self-implode, but didn't care or bother to make a substantive case for either his policies or his track record.

Both sides should have better nominees, although I'm not sure if they deserve them since they chose to vote for these bozos lol

As carers, we strive to be kind to our loved ones and to everyone else who provides them support. Sometimes, we need a gentle reminder to give ourselves the same #kindness.

#Alzheimers #dementia #mentalhealth

Please stop getting up at some ungodly hour to wish me good morning then go back to bed and fall asleep.

The #BloodBrainBarrier, a network of blood vessels and tissues that nurtures and protects the brain from harmful substances circulating in the blood—is disrupted in #AlzheimerDisease. Now, researchers at #MayoClinic and collaborators have uncovered unique #molecular signatures of blood-brain barrier #dysfunction that could point to new ways to diagnose and treat the disease. Their findings are published in Nature Communications. #healthcare #publichealth #dementia

#TFG #MentalHealth
#Dementia? #USpol #Elections2024

Via #CNN

"Author says he has cognitive questions about #Trump after interviewing him six times
Journalist and author #RaminSetoodeh has interviewed former President Trump six times since Trump left the White House. In an interview with CNN's #KaitlanCollins, #Setoodeh says Trump's struggled with his memory and appeared to still believe he had foreign policy powers."

“The White House press corps would be in wolf pack mode if Biden were in the middle of a speech and suddenly veered into gibberish about boats and sharks. There would be front-page stories questioning whether the president, at 81, was suffering from dementia; and the op-ed pages would be filled with thumb-suckers about whether Vice President Harris and the Cabinet should invoke the 25th Amendment."

~ Eugene Robinson

#Trump #dementia #Biden #media #MediaFail