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Ok, so the #Maven team states that they deleted the posts they INGESTED WITHOUT CONSENT after the huge negative response from the #fediverse #community.

But yet, the question remains, don't 'The Rules' of each server include the fact that #UserContent is not to be stolen (taken without consent) ?

I mean one of the #MainReason to switch from #bigTech, is the idea that my #content is #notForSale, especially without my explicit say so.

#Privacy #Ownership #Mastodon

in reply to The Noob

I've yet to see a server that has that specific rule tbh. Also, there's 20,000+ instances and new ones every single day. You'll never know who is ingesting your data and why. The only privacy here is to set your posts to "followers only"
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@BeAware Hmmm... which just makes this worse, right? I mean I would rather think that having a social network under a legal banner of someone like canonical would be much preferred...
in reply to The Noob

not sure exactly what you mean. But social media has never been private. Every social media that's got user profiles and posts like this are completely public with the option for some privacy through "followers only posts". This isn't signal.

Where does canonical fit into this?🤨

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@BeAware Well, on any 'Owned' platform, it is illegal to farm data for corporate gains without legal agreement. especially with the world of AI. The reason isn't that they are 'unhackable' but that there is legal framework around it. hackers will always exist and that issue is a separate one. here it is completely open for anyone to spin up a server with the sole objective of data farming. but if someone has authority and the trust of opensource, things wouldn't be as simple for data farmers