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Items tagged with: content

Exclusive-Multiple #AI companies bypassing #web standard to scrape publisher sites, licensing firm says


"What this means in practical terms is that AI agents from multiple sources (not just one company) are opting to bypass the #robots.txt protocol to retrieve content from sites,"...

#content #news #www #internet #technology #economy #piracy

The war on friction


The tech giants believe they should control the interface. Controlling the interface used to mean controlling the distribution. The zero-click vision that’s increasingly taking hold will mean publishers and their webpages are regarded as friction standing in the way of people getting what they want immediately, without wading through full-screen interstitial ads, endless pop-ups and autoplay video. That’s going to be a compelling proposition. It will also conveniently accrue all power to the interface and relegate publishers to content vendors.

#news #future #technology #internet #AI #content #economy #software

Ok, so the #Maven team states that they deleted the posts they INGESTED WITHOUT CONSENT after the huge negative response from the #fediverse #community.

But yet, the question remains, don't 'The Rules' of each server include the fact that #UserContent is not to be stolen (taken without consent) ?

I mean one of the #MainReason to switch from #bigTech, is the idea that my #content is #notForSale, especially without my explicit say so.

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