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in reply to anonymiss

in reply to anonymiss

It never was useful. However, until Trump, the US Federal government wasn't a fully realized fascist entity (in the mid 90's or so it was an Oligarchy in service to the rich but still played lip service to us non-wealthy plebes) so the impact of the occasional Republican president was tolerable. States, counties, and smaller municipalities (the true democracies in the United States IMO) kept doing their thing and life went on. Now though, not so much. Very bad, very awful people have come into power and are working to overthrow the government. This is survival of a nation, not democracy.
in reply to anonymiss

You need profits of food in your refrigerator (sic)

No. You need income. Profit is not just another word for income. Profit is income you get simply by being the owner of something. Most people's income comes from hourly wages. BTW, in the USA, profit is taxed at a lower rate than wages.

other times the rich one chooses to give away it all (sic)

Pure fantasy. Most wealthy people here in the USA were born wealthy. They don't give it all away. They keep it in the family. In fact, they never give away so much that they are no longer wealthy. They are only generous when it doesn't force them to live like us.

in reply to anonymiss

They are only generous when it doesn’t force them to live like us.

Or out of spite. See MacKenzie Scott.