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Tired of endless reels and algorithm-driven feeds?

Pixelfed keeps photography front and center.

You can even hide Stories and video posts!

Because your passion deserves a platform that values your pixels as much as you do ❀️


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in reply to pixelfed

Is there a way to hide "text only" posts? In pixelfed I just want to see photos, that's the main reason I switched to it from mastodon...
in reply to pixelfed

I really should give Pixelfed another go - need to find a use case for it for my life!
in reply to Alexis Bushnell

@alexisbushnell That's my problem, I have no idea what I'd use this for. The website isn't really helpful, and I can't browse anything without an account to see what sorts of things are already there.
in reply to Murdoc

@Murdoc @alexisbushnell #Pixelfed is the equivalent of the original #Instagram. Instagram used to be a platform for photography enthusiasts.

After the takeover by #Facebook, the platform became increasingly commercialized. More and more #advertising moved onto the platform. Algorithms, which were trained on the basis of the posts viewed, determined what was displayed in our timeline.

Pixelfed wants to pick up on the original spirit of Instagram and focus on #photography, but also address modern developments such as #stories in the form of videos. πŸ“Έ :pixelfed:

Algorithms that analyze user behavior are completely dispensed with. Protecting user #privacy is an important feature of Pixelfed. πŸ›‘οΈ

in reply to pixelfed

It a basic photo sharing platform. Clean and crisp.
Still trying my friends to also join the Pixelfed verse. Using it on Apple platform with the Vernissage app: