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Amazon is going to be disabling the privacy feature that processes voice commands locally on Echo devices at the end of this month. Instead, all voice commands will be sent to Amazon's cloud for processing.

I have already followed my own steps to remediate this:

1. Unplug Echo Device
2. Throw Echo Device in Trash
3. Done

#amazon #echo #privacy

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in reply to steve mookie kong

Don't forget to check your Amazon account for any past voice recordings and transcripts and get those deleted too


in reply to steve mookie kong

Honestly I don't want to have a conversation in earshot of one of these spy devices in anyone's house that I visit and speak with unguarded.
in reply to John Breen

You may have several ones activated on your phone right now friend, including the ones you cannot disable without rooting, formatting it and replacing the whole damn OS, unfortunately.
in reply to steve mookie kong

You might be over-reacting.

"Local processing of voice recordings was only available on three Echo devices – Echo Dot (4th Gen), Echo Show 10, and Echo Show 15 – and only for customers in the U.S. with devices set to English."…

in reply to FunGuy2PlayWith


I was already in the process of removing smart speakers from the house (HomePod minis mainly), but I had two Echoes left and they’ve been removed today.

in reply to steve mookie kong

I do not think this is legal here in EU. We have a very restrictive law (GDPR law) protecting personal data and privacy of our citizens. I think they cannot use your voice recording without your clear consent, here in EU.
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in reply to steve mookie kong

The difference between The USA and Europe or China is that you must get permission first.
in reply to steve mookie kong

Good to know I didn't want to have anything to do with these 'smart' speakers...
No "Alexa", any.

In the end, Android on my mobiles was already more than enough and Google also went from bad to worse in the time I've had this Xperia XZ2 Premium.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to steve mookie kong

my experience seeing your post:

1. Fuck Amazon.
2. Privacy issue? And?
3. How about just not using…
4. [reading your list]
5. Oh…😂…yes. YES!

Seriously. It’s weird to think that people feel safe using any AI controller. Your list is the only proper response to those devices.

in reply to steve mookie kong

Nobody has something to hide, so privacy policies should never have been implemented. Now all companies have to spent a lot of efforts to remove the limitations.
Let us help them to develop their models by video/audio recording us and assessing our personal and usage data.
In case it was not clear, this is sarcastic ;)
in reply to steve mookie kong

Mail from #Amazon:

Dear Amazon customer,
You know that option that you checked in your User T&C, "Please encrypt & protect my personal data"? Well we have decided to change that to "Please do whatever the fµck you like with all my personal data".🙂
Thank for your naivety in continuing to be a profitable product for our company.

in reply to steve mookie kong

How dystopian.

'We are putting you under permanent voice surveillance and have disabled any opt-out options. Have a nice day. Amazon.'

in reply to steve mookie kong

2.5. Hit Echo Device with a 5lb hammer several times so that someone isn’t tempted to pull it out of the trash and use it.
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in reply to steve mookie kong

or if you're the nerd/hacker type, do something neat with it instead of throwing it out, by installing Linux which solves the problem!…

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in reply to steve mookie kong

I had to get an echo dot years ago to test interoperability with a customer device that had Alexa integration.

Since the project wrapped up it lives in a shelf bin with a red and white striped warning label and a LOTO cover on the power plug.

in reply to steve mookie kong

this is effectively different than today how. They have always recorded everything in range
in reply to steve mookie kong

Sucks throwing away perfectly good electronics. Can they not be rooted?
in reply to crazyeddie


The two that I have left are going where the others went: Good Will. I don't have the time to hack them or play around. So someone else can have them and do as they wish.

in reply to steve mookie kong

Seems like every time I delete my account somewhere, they shortly give me reason to be relieved that I did so.

steve mookie kong reshared this.

in reply to steve mookie kong

Imagine if the majority of requests were how to get Trump his cohorts, Netanyau, Putin out of office...... #Mastodon #Fediverse
in reply to steve mookie kong

please don't throw it in the trash. Rip it apart. Make a Bluetooth speaker out of it. Or just a regular speaker with a 3.5mm Jack.
in reply to Justin

@justin It's going to Good Will. I really don't want it in the house anymore. Someone else can use it or tear it apart to hack.
in reply to steve mookie kong

well that's a little different to throwing it in the trash. 🙂
in reply to steve mookie kong

You'd risk endangering someone else by letting someone else buy it secondhand?
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in reply to Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary

@pteryx @justin

Just like how I wouldn’t have someone else police what I do, I won’t police what someone else chooses to. We all can make our own decisions.

in reply to steve mookie kong

I bought a Firestick years ago. The first thing I did was open it and remove the microphone.
in reply to steve mookie kong

My house is basically battlestar Galactica. No home automation, no home assistants, etc. He'll I'm even thinking about buying Faraday bags to keep our phones in.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to steve mookie kong

Respectfully, this is terrible advice.

You should hit them with a big hammer and take the bits to your local electronics recycling or hazardous waste collection site, as appropriate.

in reply to steve mookie kong

Life without the ability of telling spying Alexa to turn downthe volume doesn't seem worth it.
in reply to steve mookie kong

would I be right in thinking that this means all audio is sent to the Amazon cloud in case it is an Alexa command? In other words it is the cloud that decides if Alexa is being commanded?

Your recommended actions seem to be quite correct.

in reply to steve mookie kong

Please don't throw it away. Hack it! Kill the software that is runnig there and put something better onto it
in reply to steve mookie kong

Is there any pre-alpha open source firmware available to keep the hardware going without this crap? Some sort of local LLM?
in reply to steve mookie kong


I propose an evolutionary sibling to the word `floccinaucinihilipilification` : to estimate as worthless.

`floccicakiturmaperambulification` : to recognize an enterprise's positively spun, but unmistakeable step towards further enshitification. We see you!

in reply to steve mookie kong

I won't have one of these devices in my house, I disabled as many apps on my phone as possible that might be listening, I revoke access rights to everything else that might want to use the microphone. People's personal data was never really safe, but now it could really hurt them if not worse...
in reply to steve mookie kong

@druid there’s that old joke:

> a tech enthusiast has a fully automated smart house
> a tech expert has a single printer, and a gun next to it just in case it starts to make strange noises

That a bit tongue in cheek, and offence is not meant to people who do do the full smart house thing. That’s been me for many years. Plus I’ve seen a few open source projects for smart homes that do look practical.

But I know that after recent events my life plans have gone very quickly from “a smart house would be awesome” to “next time my hardware needs replacing I’m slimming down to a dumb phone, a mobile 4g access point and a laptop running Linux”.

in reply to steve mookie kong

every tyranny has been an abuse of technological advance: the abused technology of swords over plows, of armed squads over families, of bureaucratic organization.
With every advance the tyranny has been more efficient, but the same: the erasure of the individual in service to the tyrant.
in reply to steve mookie kong

This is why I never got an Alexa or an Echo device. It was inevitable (if not already happening).

Need the lights? Switch is on the wall.

in reply to steve mookie kong

Never bought one.

Yes, I have an Apple speaker, but I only use it as a speaker, and for that it sounds very good. Never use it as a listener.

in reply to steve mookie kong…
in reply to steve mookie kong

I'll drink to the number of times I told people in my circles over the years this was coming, only to be brushed off with "stop being so conspiratorial, Amazon's not some front for Doctor Evil"

Who is Jeff Bezos for $500, Alex....

in reply to steve mookie kong

For anyone who wants a voice assistant but not corporate spying @homeassistant has been making some great improvements over the last year on Voice. I've picked up two of their preview devices and its not too bad. This weekend I'm going to try and tie my Ollama setup into HomeAssistant as well for conversation.

steve mookie kong reshared this.

in reply to steve mookie kong

It shoulda been in the trash years ago, but good job. Now cancel your Amazon Prime and stop buying things from them.
in reply to steve mookie kong

why not jailbreak and install custom firmware? :-P Maybe something like openvoice OS ?
in reply to eickot

@eickot Not something I'm interested in spending my time on. They're actually going to Goodwill where someone else can decide if they want to use them as-is or hack them.