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in reply to Script Kiddie

Enid is right, knowing enough about breaking the system can directly translate to figuring out how to fix it.

Windows is just a black box. :(

in reply to Script Kiddie

in 2004, when still new to linux, one drunken night, i and two rotter acquaintances, meddled around on another friend's computer, having just discovered windows' inbuilt subliminal messaging subsystem. it was all fun and games forgotten about, until the silly messages we put in it started having effects on our friend.

so, some have found some of the things in the black box, so that it's not just microsoft getting to abuse you.

linux, being GNU GPL licensed, disuades such abusive anti-features being put in in the first place, since anyone can check, see, and make a fork without the anti-feature. ... but you can still add in things like that yourself if you want, ~ rather than it being secretly put upon you, like the corporation's offerings do.