Items tagged with: Vaccines
....Knowing broad international access was on the way, I've been going flat out preparing for an anti-vax campaign on steroids.
Step 1 was my recent compendium on anti-mRNA-vax fear-mongering.
The final step is online now: An introduction to self-amplifying RNA vaccine…
Self-amplifying mRNA Covid Vaccine: An Introduction - Absolutely Maybe
One of the critical ways a next generation Covid vaccine can improve on the original vaccines is to be more durable and…Hilda Bastian (Absolutely Maybe)
Huge Covid vax milestone: The first next generation Covid vax has passed its European Medicines Agency review! 🎉 And an application to the US FDA is planned.
The Arcturus self-amplifying RNA vaccine is on track for EU authorization in 30 countries in the next few weeks: Happy New Year, Europeans!
All this & more in my latest monthly update @PLOS ... 1/2…
Authorization Milestone for First NextGen Covid Vaccine in Europe and More News (Update 24) - Absolutely Maybe
The first next-generation Covid vaccine is on its way to authorization in the European Union. Recently rolled out in Japan, the self-amplifying…Hilda Bastian (Absolutely Maybe)
Ever wonder about the basis for fear-mongering & conspiracy theories about mRNA vaccine? Wish you had a place to go when someone cites "proof"?
I've got you covered! In my latest post @PLOS, I buckle up for the waves of anti-vax claims likely to come at us in 2025 :…
Getting Ready for More mRNA Vaccine Fear-Mongering: A Compendium - Absolutely Maybe
Recently, I wrote about a depressingly successful campaign against the introduction of a next generation Covid vaccine in Japan. It is a…Hilda Bastian (Absolutely Maybe)
Vaccine misinformation distorts science – a biochemist explains how RFK Jr. and his lawyer’s claims threaten public health
Many claims about the dangers of vaccines come from misrepresenting scientific research papers.The Conversation
Modern medicine erases the horrors of widespread child mortality often depicted in gutting detail in 19th-century literature.
In the 1800s, ~50% of U.S. children didn’t live past age 5. An English scholar reflects on how undermining #vaccines risks reviving those forgotten tragedies.… @bookstodon #Bookstodon @histodons #Histodons #PublicHealth #19thCenturyLiterature #VictorianEra #Jane Eyre
Infectious diseases killed Victorian children at alarming rates — their novels highlight the fragility of public health today
Between 40% and 50% of children didn’t live past 5 in the US during the 19th century. Popular authors like Charles Dickens documented the common but no less gutting grief of losing a child.The Conversation