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Items tagged with: Covid19

World Health Organization in 2020: "FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne."

World Health Organization in 2022: Um yeah actually it's airborne.

World Health Organization in 2024: We're changing the definition of airborne.

#Bhakdi-Wahnsinn feat. #FPÖ 👽

„tödliches Gift wird gespritzt … Impfung hat Lebenserwartung verkürzt … Pockenimpfung hat nie gewirkt + Menschen dahingerafft … Polio war nur Lügengeschichte … #Covid19-Impfung = Satanisches Programm, das Millionen genverändert und getötet hat“

#Pandemie #Covid19

Nur 2 Minuten von 1 Stunde Wahnsinn und Verschwörungstheorie. Begeistert von der #FPÖ (ggf. zukünftigen Ministern in Österreich) gefeiert. Beängstigend.

"“What I want to emphasize about this #vaccine strategy is that it is broad,” said UCR #virologist & paper author Rong Hai. “It is broadly applicable to any number of #viruses, broadly effective against any variant of a #virus, & safe for a broad spectrum of people. This could be the universal vaccine that we have been looking for.”

The new vaccine... relies on small, silencing RNA molecules"

#Health #Science #Vaccines #Vaccination #Flu #COVID #Covid19 #News #NoPaywall

My blood type is A+, so of course, this STUDY found that type "might be more susceptible to #COVID19 with significantly higher severity or mortality rate of disease." The O + blood group might be less susceptible, with longer survival and less severity of disease. It's a fairly small study, however--just 101 patients.

As researchers from UCLA noted in March 2021, the United States could have avoided 400,000 COVID deaths if the Trump administration had implemented a more effective health strategy that included mask mandates, social distancing, and robust testing guidelines.

#TrumpVirus #GOPVirus #GOPDeathToll #COVID19 #VoteOutAllGOP #NoRepublicansEverAgain

Ich bin zwiegespalten.

Ja, wir sollten die #Covid19 #sarscov2 Pandemie und ihre Folgen gesellschaftlich, politisch, wissenschaftlich, vermutlich auch juristisch aufarbeiten.

Dennoch ist meine sehr große Sorge, dass nur noch mehr Verharmlosung, Polarisierung, und weniger gesellschaftlicher Schutz, mehr Marginalisierung, mehr "Eigenverantwortung" und ähnliches herauskommen werden.

Zumindest ist das quasi immer der "Unter"ton jener, die diese fordern.

"In the two years since world governments decided to pretend COVID is “over” without introducing clean air or other mitigations in schools, the rates of chronically absent students were 28% and 26%, respectively. In other words, rates of chronic absence have nearly doubled since COVID began spreading. When you word it this way, it’s a lot less mysterious than the purposely befuddled and befuddling “nearly doubled post-COVID”. After all, kids were never at high risk of death from COVID, are being reinfected at high rates, and many of them are still unvaccinated. In what sense are they, then, “post-COVID”?"

#COVID19 #LongCOVID #COVIDNormalisation #PandemicIsNotOver

🇳🇱Netherlands: Dutch government’s COVID dashboard goes offline after 4 years.

"Fewer and fewer people visited the site after the pandemic came to an end, prompting the government to determine the website was no longer needed." 🤦‍♂️

#COVID19 #Netherlands #PandemicIsNotOver @auscovid19


This is certainly the clearest, and possibly the best beer I've ever brewed, and I can't taste it, thanks to COVID killing my sense of taste and smell. Thanks COVID.
#COVID19 #beer #brewing

One of the health experts I follow is Dr. Sean Mullen. He is an Associate Professor within the Kinesiology & Community Health Department at the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. He has a frightening but thoughtful #COVID19 message worth reading today on Twitter: