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Items tagged with: Inkscape

Softwares that I literally use every day that are free and open source #foss

- #joplin for notes
- #wordpress for websites
- #obs for recording
- #shotcut for videos
- #gimp for images
- #inkscape for vectors
- #thunderbird for emails
- #brave for web browsing
- #linux (pop_os) for operating system


Decided to write about the #icons I'm doing and a neat script I found to make its resolution and aspect ratio match what the #MiyooMiniPlus requires.

This is day 48 of #100DaysToOffload, and post 16 for #WeBlobPoMo2024.

#inkscape #arcticons

Update: I have now made the icons for 43 of the 55 needed for #OnionOS on the #MiyooMiniPlus

Some #arcade machines, some random #retroComputers, still a few more to go!

#Arcticons #Inkscape