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Items tagged with: job

#Dell to color-code #staff based on how hybrid they really are in RTO push


Starting next Monday, May 13, the enterprise #hardware slinger plans to make weekly site visit data from its badge #tracking available to #employees through the corporation's human capital #management #software and to give them color-coded ratings that summarize their #status. Those #ratings are:

  1. Blue flag indicates "consistent onsite presence"
  2. Green flag indicates "regular onsite presence"
  3. Yellow flag indicates "some onsite presence"
  4. Red flag indicates "limited onsite presence"

They rate their employees according to attendance and not performance. Can you really be that silly?

#work #job #news #economy #labour #fail #problem #employee #office

Andreessen #Horowitz investor says half of #Google's white-collar #staff probably do 'no real work'


"There's nothing for these people to do," he said. "It's all fake work," adding: "Now that's being exposed, what do these people actually do? They go to #meetings."

#news #economy #technology #job #work

We ❤️ Free Software

It's been a pleasure when the Linux Professional Institute asked us for an interview. 😍

Read Hanna's insights on #privacy, #opensource - and how to best apply for a #job at Tuta!


I am looking for candidates for 2-years #postdoc position, working on my #ERC project, developing a new statistical method to infer the distribution of the effect sizes of QTL. More information here :

Exciting opportunity to work in Paris, in the middle of the Jardin des Plantes, with a great (and humble) supervisor.

Please boost!

#Job #France #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #Genetics #Genomics
